Larose Nitram (Pesterchum)



4 months, 28 days ago


47091496_IO6a4mwRjf1NJTY.png About
: : puzzledForester : :

Profile Song

-- puzzledForester [PF] basic info --

name Larose Nitram
gender male
age 6 sweeps
orientation bi / ace / poly
classpect the Page of Light
dob 05/16/2031
aesthetic cabincore
height 5'0
Voice Claim content
Bloodcast bronze
bloodcolor #a15000
sigil taurus

-- Strife Specibus --

Name: Nothing here yet,,,!

-- Fetchmodus --

Name: Nothing here yet,,,!

-- Lusus --

Name: Nothing here yet,,,!

-- Powers --

Animal Communion: Larose has the ability to communicate with animals quite well. He understands them ands their emotions, and goes out of his way to make friends. He can only control small less intelligent animals, as smarter or larger animals find to be very difficult for him to control. Though he can talk to any animal regardless of the animal's intelligence or size.

Name: Nothing here yet,,,!

-- puzzledForester [PF] personality --

u-uhhH,,, i-i think this is wherE,,, uhH,,, i'm s-supposed to write about m-mE? y-yeaH,

uhhH, i-i think i have a c-caring dispositioN, and i'm quite shy around anyone n-new i meeT,,, i-i'm practically a little ball of anxietY,,, i-i always flinch a-away from anY,,, uhH,, touch to my shoulderS, a-and i'm r-really sensitive to loud soundS,,, i-i get stressed really easily, but i always at leat t-try to help otherS,,, e-even above myself s-stometimes,,, dad w-worries about that a loT,,,

-- puzzledForester [PF] history --

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Nothing here yet,,,!

-- Subheader --

Nothing here yet,,,!

-- puzzledForester [PF] Other --

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Nothing here yet,,,!

o-oh cheese and crackerS,,, i-i'm so sorrY! |
