


5 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Rodion Aleksandrovich Belyakov






173 cm (5'8")

Personality type

ESTP 4w5




"Ah yes, it is I, the noble metals' trash~"

A precious metal that seems not only uninterested in being one but actively opposed to it, Rhodium is a constant cause of headaches for the platinum family. Prone to bouts of serious boredom and melancholy that have him desperate for anything to distract himself with, he is constantly getting up to all sorts of questionable activities, whole nights spent out drinking somewhere in strange company being the least of anyone's worries. After all, as long as he comes home, this is preferable to hearing about the latest fight he got into, or the fifth car he has crashed now... Really, if the wealthy platinum family were to ever go bankrupt (unlikely as that is), Rhodium - or his spending habits, combined with poor money management and a tendency to become tangled up in shady dealings not unlike those of his sister - is more than likely to be the cause. And instead of picking himself up and maybe focusing on finally getting a solid education or at least becoming somewhat invested in current events, he seems to prefer occupying himself with grim philosophizing and being painfully in love with someone who doesn't want him. Due to this turbulent disposition of his, the boy's standing among the precious metals seems to change erratically; while once his value somehow soared far above Gold's or Platinum's, his fall was swift, and several times he's even found himself out on the street, hitting rock bottom after a particularly bad episode.
Still, it seems there's more to this than just Rhodium being an ungrateful brat as the heavy platinum metals like to claim. Some elements are even beginning to get concerned, based on his reckless, borderline self-destructive behavior and his frequent harsh self-deprecating remarks thinly veiled as jokes. Some even suspect there's something off about relationships within the platinum group - what can you do about such a prominent noble family, though, without your own reputation being ruined in the process?