


5 months, 15 days ago

Basic Info



Class & Level

Lvl. 3 Lunar Druid | Lvl. 2 Fighter




Common, Sylvan, Druidic, Elvish








The Moon Goddess


Proficiency Bonus: 3
Ability Scores — Modifiers – Saving Throws

+2 | ST: +2
0 | ST: 0
+2 | ST: +2
+1 | ST: +4
+3 | ST: +6
0 | ST: 0


Acrobatics | DexAnimal Handling | WisArcana | IntAthletics | StrDeception | ChaHistory | IntInsight | WisIntimidation | ChaInvestigation | Int
Medicine | WisNature | IntPerception | WisPerformance | ChaPersuasion | ChaReligion | IntSleight of Hand | DexStealth | DexSurvival | Wis

Passive Wis (Perception): 13

Armor Class: 12 (+2)
Speed: 30
Hit Points: 40 Max HP: 8+(5*Con)+(3+3+8+8)=40 | Temp. HP: 0
Hit Dice: 3d8 | 2d10 Total: 3d8 | 2d10

Druid Skills: Insight, Nature
Hermit: Medicine, Religion
Weapons: Simple Weapons | Martial Weapons
Armors: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Others: Herbalism Kit

Features and Traits
Plasmoid Traits
Amorphous: Can squeeze through a space as narrow as 1" wide, provided you are wearing and carrying nothing. Adv. ability checks to initiate or escape a grapple.
Darkvision: 60 ft.; Dark > Dim > Bright
Hold Breath: Can hold breath for 1 hour.
Natural Resilience: Resistance to acid and poison dmg; saving throw advantage against being poisoned
Shape Self (Action): Reshape body to humanoid form (head, one/two arms, one/two legs, makeshift hands and feet) or into formless blob. Humanoid form can wear clothing and armor of appropriate size.
Bonus action- Extrude or reabsorb a pseudopod (up to 6" wide, 10' long). Can be used to manipulate an object (Tiny-size lifting). Contains no sensory organs and can't attack, activate magic items, or lift more than 10 pounds.

Druid Abilities
Primal Spellcasting — 2 Tier 0, 4 Tier 1, 2 Tier 2
Prepared Spells: Meditation allows swapping of any Primal Spell for another of the same tier.

Channel Nature
Wild Shape (Magic Action): Wild Shapes transformation, Hours [0/2] | Can be ended as a bonus action. Wild Shape form's game stats replace own, and ability to manipulate objects depends on the form's limbs. Retains personality, memories, ability to speak, and Wild Shape; loses access to all other features (casting spells, etc.), but may continue to concentrate on an already active spell. You may choose whether equipment falls to ground or merges with new form; merged equipment has no effect until you leave form.
[0/2] Hours - Regain 1/SR | All/LR {Animals of the Land}

Combat Wild Shape
Abjuration Spells: While in Wild Shape form, can cast any prepared Abjuration School spell (must not require mats).
Quick Attack: Can use Unarmed Strike as a Bonus Action.
Swift Transformation: Can use Wild Shape as a Bonus Action or Magic Action, but no more than once/turn.

Healing Blossoms (Magic Action)
Blooming flowers appear, granting healing to chosen creatures within the range of the blossoms. The total amount of healing granted is determined by the collective d4 rolls, and may be distributed as seen fit.
Range [30'] | Radius [10'] | Shape [Sphere] | !r WISd4

Wild Companion (Magic Action)
Summons a nature spirit (Fey) that assumes an animal form to aid you.
Find Familiar (sans materials) | Disappears at end of Long Rest

Fighter Abilities
Fighting Style [Protection]: Immediately after a creature you can see makes an Attack Roll and hits a target other than you that is within 5' of you, you can use your Reaction to interpose your Shield and impose a -2 penalty on the Attack Roll, potentially turning it into a miss. You must be wielding a Shield to use this Reaction.
Second Wind (Action): Regain 1d10+FL(2) Hit Points. [0/2] - Regain All/LR
Action Surge: On your turn, you can take one additional of the following actions: Attack, Dash, Disengage, or Dodge. [0/1] - Regain 1/SR | 1/LR

Weapon Mastery [Maul, Quarterstaff, Whip]
Grants Mastery property practiced weapons. Can change weapon type at the end of a long rest.

Topple: If you hit a creature with this weapon, you can force it to make a Con ST with a DC = 8+Prof+Mod. On a fail, the creature is prone.
Flex: When you hit with a melee attack with this weapon, you deal its Versatile damage, even when wielding it with one hand.
Slow: If you hit a creature and deal damage with this weapon, you can reduce its speed by 10' until the start of your next turn. This does not stack with multiple hits.

Hermit's Communion
AS Mod: Wis: +2, Con: +1

Magic Initiate (Primal - Wisdom): You always have your Tier 1 Spell prepared and can cast it once without a SS, and you regain the ability to cast it in that way when you finish a Long Rest. You can also cast the Spell using any Spell Slots
you have.

2 Tier 0 [N/A]: Guidance, Produce Flame
1 Tier 1 [0/1]: Faerie Fire

Equipment — 175 GP
Hide Armor: 12 AC + Dex
Shield: +2 AC

Maul: Str, 2d6, Bludgeoning | Heavy, Two-Handed {Topple}
Quarterstaff (Druidic Focus): Str, 1d6/1d8, Bludgeoning | Vers. {Flex}
Whip: Str/Dex, 1d4, Slashing | Finesse, Reach {Slow}

Personal Pack: Mess Kit, Tinderbox, Book (Philosophy), Fishing Tackle, Herbalism Kit, Lamp, Oil Flask (3), Traveler’s Clothes, Basic Fishing Equipment, Hempen Rope


Calior is a Plasmoid. No one knows exactly what it is or where it came from only that one day it came from the wild.

It seems to have a penchant for roaming the land, almost as if at random. It crosses through settlements on occasion, almost in tune with the waning and waxing of the moon, leading some to believe that its paths has some sort of tie to the celestial body, but there really is no knowing.

The most that people actually know about it is its connection to nature and a habitual enjoyment of fishing.

May be an envoy of the Moon Goddess. Provided water assistance to the town of Copperpeak following the defeat of the Monos Gang.

Note: Needs some revising due to updates in Unearthed Arcana playtests.