Cyberpunk lore



4 months, 28 days ago


2552 year


About 200 years ago, an accident occurred at a large factory, which subsequently changed the history of mankind. There was a radiation leak that affected factory workers. This severely altered their DNA, causing irreversible mutations. This event shook the planet. This began to be discussed so often that rumors arose that all workers had become aggressive and dangerous under the influence of radiation. People who lived next to the factory demanded to get rid of the creatures, which were called mutants. There were options to euthanize mutants, but many considered it cruel since they were still sane. Then, after some thought, the President decided to give mutants a chance to continue a normal life. Then, not far from the destroyed factory, the Ghetto district was built. Then the mutated people were sent to the Ghetto, where they could live their old lives again. They had chips implanted in their heads, which are aimed at controlling their aggression.

Mutants continued to live in the ghetto, build families, and new generations appeared, but the attitude towards mutants only worsened. People began to avoid them. Mutants could only visit the human area for short periods of time, and it was almost impossible to study or work among humans. Since there was only one such ghetto in the whole world, they could not change their place of residence. Although the mutant area had its own infrastructure, it was very poorly developed, which limited and worsened their lives. Many people treat mutants with contempt. They support their position with rare real cases of mutants attacking people. Sometimes rich people used mutants as exotic animals to admire or mock. Sometimes rich people used mutants as exotic animals to admire or mock. Imperceptibly, mutants were discriminated against in their rights compared to humans.

Mutants mostly form families with other mutants, but sometimes with humans. These are often disadvantaged people, such as the homeless or poor, who are not as dismissive of mutants. But when marrying a mutant, a human is also obliged to live in a ghetto. All mutants are implanted with a chip from childhood, the outer part of which is located on the forehead. The chip is connected to the brain and works as a pacifier to the aggressive nature of mutants, but the true function of the chip is unknown. When Radcliffe was a child, he was implanted with this chip, but the outer part was mistakenly placed in the wrong place. Radcliffe soon removed the chip and the scar from it is not visible because it was on the scalp and Radcliffe grew his hair long as an adult.

Types of mutants

1. Invisible mutation. Such children can only be born to a pair of a mutant and a human. Their mutation may not be noticeable at first glance, such as an organ mutation or something that is not visible under clothing. Sometimes such individuals think that they do not have a mutation, but the mutation remains in the organism anyway and someday it can manifest itself and then seriously affect the carrier.

2. Weak mutation. A mutation that can be hidden with some effort. For example, strangely shaped ears, altered limbs, small tail, and the like. Radcliffe belongs to this category of mutants. He has cockroach arms, which he hides under his Radcliffe belongs to this category of mutants. He has cockroach legs, which he hides under his dentures. He also has cockroach antennae, which he hides in his hair. He also has cockroach antennas, which he hides in his hair. Modified limbs are a mild mutation because in childhood they can be perceived as underdevelopment of a limb, and later they can be removed and replaced with prosthetics. But Radcliffe decided not to amputate them.

3. Average mutation. A mutation that cannot be hidden and is quite noticeable. Reginald belongs to this type. He is almost no different from a human, but has green skin. Mutants do not have access to expensive cosmetics, so he cannot use foundation to make his skin a natural color. Medium mutations also include additional limbs and noticeable facial mutations. This also includes a large tail.

4. Horrible mutation. A mutation in which a person has almost nothing left of his human image. Almost no one is born with such a mutation; it begins to develop at a certain point in life. It can happen from any of the above types. A similar type is present in Radcliffe's father, who over time turned into an ugly, brainless monster. Persons with this mutation lack common sense and are often isolated by their loved ones.


Almost all existing robots are created by companies, so they have some kind of chip that can remotely turn them off or recall them. But homemade robots do not have such a chip. This allows them to be more independent and no one can control them. But this is also a disadvantage, since homemade robots do not have a copy of their consciousness in the cloud, so when they break down or their memory is damaged, they will not be able to recover it and will essentially “die”.

Types of robots

1. Minion robots. The most unintelligent robots that only perform the assigned task. They do not have the outlines of a person, often just looking like boxes. These include robotic vacuum cleaners, loaders, mine workers and others.

2. Assistant robots. Robots that help people in their lives. They make breakfast, clean, accompany people in society, drive cars, and so on. They are more knowledgeable, have their own personality and can hold conversations on the same level as their owner. Among these representatives is Henry. Usually, owners do not allow robots to lead their lives outside of helping a person, but Janko allows Henry to do so. Such robots have human outlines and sometimes a body closer to that of a human, but still look like man-made creations.

3. Superior robots. These are Android-type robots, they almost always look like people, have artificial skin and cannot be distinguished from humans. They are full members of society just like people. There are not very many of them, and among them are Charlie, Archibald and ***. They are created by self-employed roboticists who create them as a companion and through this give them freedom in life. 


Also, about 300 years ago, the Moon finally became habitable after many years of preparation. Initially, there was only a launch pad for Senarmont ST spaceships, but soon the populated area began to expand. Later, the main office of the company moved to the Moon, because the head of the company felt that it would be safer than remaining on Earth.
The habitable space on the Moon is a large dome, inside which people can breathe and where the main office is located. The office consists of a bunch of buildings, as well as accommodation for workers and launch pads. Also in the main building is the house of the company owner. At the time of the events in the plot, Ernest lives there, and previously Richard lived there.
To get to the Moon, people can use a ship that travels from the Earth to the Moon and back. So far, there are only a few stations that travel to the Moon and they are all located in ***. This ship works like an airplane and the travel time does not take more than 1-2 hours. The ships are designed in such a way that you do not need to undergo a test to travel, but this is still not highly recommended for old people and people with an unprepared vestibular system.