Toyhouse Purge's Comments

Heya, was this character UFO or were they fh? Super sorry if they’re off limits, was just a bit confused and wanted to ask ^^

They are fh but I can look at entertaining offers! 

Ooh ok ty! Would you be open to looking at trades + art? ^^

I can take a peek for sure <3 

Ooh ok! Everyone in my TH is EO apart from the ones in the first part of the Sonas folder! ((Comfort Sonas are EO))

Feel free to take a look around! :33 I can do multiple characters

Will do! (Sorry just a bit busy rn so might be late to reply haha) 

1 Replies

Sorry my OG comment didn’t go thru I guess HAAHAH I don’t think I saw anyone id use as much as van but I really appreciate the offer. (Honestly though you have really cute OCs, wish I could offer but I don’t have much atm 😂)

3 Replies

Hi, sorry I just had a question abt the droplets! I’m rlly rlly new to dainties so are you just selling the add ons you can add to a dainty or are you selling the myos/daintys in the links! grimlynJPG

no worries ! <3 

Just selling the droplets (aka special traits you can add to a normal dainty) at the moment ✨💕

Ohh ok ok! unfortunately I don’t have a myo or a dainty lol

but good luck with selling! I hope you can get what you need <3

No worries and tysvm! <3