Malakai Grey



5 months, 2 days ago




"Quote here..."
Name   Malakai Grey
Nicknames  Kai
Species  Border Collie Weredog
Age 16
Gender  Male
Pronouns  He/ Him
Orientation  Unknown
Occupation  Member of the Golden Vipers
Residence  Dredsa
Status  Deceased
Design Notes
  • His collar is not optional 
  • He has one small scar on his left cheek 
  • The smaller spots on his body do not have to be completely accurate to his ref but they must resemble his ref
  • His design is symmetrical

Malakai's main personality traits are - Trusting, Naive, People Pleaser, Caring, Clingy

Malakai is a fairly young dog who has a very positive and bright view of the world. He does not see the horrors of the world for what they are and fully believes that things will improve. This makes him want to please people and make them proud of him. He cares a lot for people and their opinion on him, even when those people do not reciprocate those feelings back to him.

He is also very trusting, which leads to him falling into the wrong crowd as he is promised a better life but they clearly do not have any interest in following through with that. This makes him fairly naive as he lacks a lot of experience and does not always judge situations well.

When he joins the Golden Vipers he becomes very clingy, especially towards Daniel. He respects him a lot and wants him to be proud of him. He often follows him around and does what ever he is told to do by him.

  • Malakai is very self-conscious of the scar he has on his cheek, it makes him feel ashamed, he does not embrace scars like many of his peers 
  • For most of his life he is teased for his blue eyes, others claim they're scary or freaky and unnatural

Malakai came from a fairly wealthy background, his parents were very successful in their respective fields which leads to Malakai having a very comfortable and happy childhood. However, when he turns 16 everything changes. The labs which had been making experimental animals in them began to have breaches in their security leading to them collapsing and their failed but alive experiments escaping into the wider world. Many of these experiments were terrified and confused and approached everything new with aggressive fear. Unfortunately both of Malakai's parents are murdered by one of these experiments when they're out on the streets of Dredsa. On that day Malakai looses everything, he has no other family and he ends up being alone. 

Once the city fully collapses with the experiments murdering and making the majority of alive residents flee, Malakai comes across Daniel. He senses Daniel, like him is a weredog and he approaches him hoping he might be able to help him. Daniel isn't interested in Malakai at first but soon realises how malleable and therefore how valuable he could be to the gang. Since Daniel is the leader of the Golden Vipers he accepts Malakai into the gang without consulting anyone about it first. Lottie is angry about the decision and often takes out much of her anger on Malakai as a result. Daniel, unintentionally ends up being the kindest person to him and Malakai as a result latches himself onto him and does what ever Daniel wants him to do. 

One day several months after Malakai joins Daniel order him to do a scout of the area for any threats. Normally Malakai does not do this but he obliges and does the check. However, he ends up overlooking something and not does not report back correctly. Malakai's mistake ends up killing another member. Daniel is absolutely furious with him and ends up snapping at him causing a deep cut on Malakai's left cheek, this ends up becoming a scar later on. Despite his anger with Malakai Daniel does nothing else to him, deep down he knows it was his inexperience with lead to this and ultimately he should not have trusted Malakai to do that alone without anyone else helping him.
