
6 years, 1 month ago


Londus is the third and final member of Vanity's crew. The first victim slain by Vanity. Originally a thief on the run, he fled from the law into the forest neighboring Laverre City. It was late at night as he was running, and logically, he assumed that as long as he didn't light up, he'd remain hard to detect.. But it did leave it hard to see, even as a Dark Type. Taking cover behind a tree, he knocks into a fake piece of timber covering a hole down into Salem Town. With his vision failing him, he failed to detect this hole, and plummeted right in.

The fall was a long one, and as he came crashing down, he severely injured his legs leaving him crippled. His whining ended up luring Vanity to him. As rules apply to Vanity's amulet, Londus' presence rapidly starved Vanity to the point she broke. She needed to feed on him, so without hesitation she lunged onto him, digging her fangs into his neck, draining him and bringing his life to an end... Or so it seemed.

Rather, as the fog that lingers in Salem Town rolled in, he was brought back undead.. But also Vanity had infected him with vampirism by the low chance. And he now lives too as a vampire.

He now comes off as a dumb and obsessive pervert towards Vanity, which often gets him smacked around a bit. The reason to his 'stupidity' mainly derives from his logic that Vanity is in love with him, because she only attacked him to infect him.. When really she was just really hungry.

That is not a kiss, you fool.