

4 months, 23 days ago
Trade Listing


You can see the 3 steps in which I made this work! But for this to end up bright and not a sort of gray, every color needs to be blended on a different layer!
Specially for pearls!

How to: Pearls 

To make pearls look more realistic you have to know that pearls are never truly white, they are kind of yellowish. And the cheaper the pearl, the less rounded it is, as most perfect circular pearls are harvested and treated to be produced faster.
Remember, yellowish layer, and the closer to the middle, the brighter it is. I recommend using purple in the middle and a clear pastel purple as the highlights to make the contrast more and make it pop-up.

How to: Gold & Silver.

When trying to make silver, most people use the grayscale, and while for machinery it could work, for silver to blend in on a drawing you have to make it have a tint of pink and slight grayish yellows.

And if you try to make gold, remember that gold comes in a variety of range, as there’s white gold, pink gold, and the most known, the gold-gold.
If you try to do the gold-gold, but always end up with bright oranges and saturated colors, remind yourself that while gold it’s very reflective, the more saturated colors you pick, the most the drawing focuses on the golden material and less on the whole piece, making in most cases, the drawing to look messy. 

Try for both, to make the darker shades first, before blending in the lightest colors, as in digital blending colors result in a more grayish result.