


5 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Jasper Cedric Dylan Caecan



One of the three only animal elves living on the planet. Standing at 6’9” (when not slouching) and weighing 215 pounds, 25-year-old Jasper is a very awkward person, often keeping to himself. He's antisocial and very shy when he meets new people, unable to look directly into people's eyes. Because of the neglect he suffered from his family, he has become a very anxious person who doesn’t care about his own health. He took drugs to help him with his anxiety, but ended up becoming dependent on them and is now seen as an outcast of the Main Four. He is best friends with Zoey Jones and has known her for 5 human years, occasionally hanging out with her at the circus she performs in or in her van. He's a great singer and shows it as the lead singer of his own band, Dead End, taking some days of the week to perform with his band members in concert. He doesn't cook often and prefers to eat microwavable foods because he's lazy and doesn't care much for his health.

If you look at Jasper's face long enough, you'll figure out that he's a natural ginger who dyes his hair blonde from his red eyebrows. Although he is lactose intolerant, he'll drink or eat as many dairy products as he wants, not caring for any of the consequences (but he always regrets it when the time comes). He's got a tarantula, a goldenrod crab spider, and a chihuahua for pets, the chihuahua's toys are all scattered around the house since he doesn't feel like cleaning. He doesn't like hearing about any of his family members except Samitra, and he really doesn't want anyone mentioning Viviana after the several times she accidentally stole his spotlight when they were younger. Although he seems to have a bitter expression 90% of the time and his height doesn’t help make him any less intimidating, he does not mean any harm towards anyone (except for one person) and is actually a very nervous and scared person who will not speak unless he is spoken to or he has something important to say. He shares traits with the ragdoll cat, specifically the dark spots on his skin, his tail, his eye color, and how heavy he is.



Playing guitar

Dairy products



Smiling (only because he thinks his looks bad)

Bananas (pls get that reference)

Being touched



Has been stung by a Portuguese Man O’War

Allergic to dogs

Slouches a lot

Mumbles and stutters often
