Basic Info

Available for breedings;



Name: Riptide | Pronouns: he/him | Age Range: late thirties | Orientation: gay

In his youth, Riptide was drafted into the army. During that time he became friends with Tamale. Eventually, as Tamale began to drift from him he began to bond with and rely on Dawn-- his general-- and both of them were eventually discharged (him honorably) and all three parted ways.

When Riptide made it back home from the war, he came back to find his sister Irissa had passed away, leaving her two daughters (Winry and Cascadia) for him to take care of. He had to grow up fast, and with some help from his friend Gustav, they raised the girls the best they could. He never married or had children of his own, he was too focused on his family that already existed. When Winry and Cascadia eventually grew into adulthood and foudn their own way in the world, Riptide was given an abandoned egg, and gained a daughter of his own to raise and love as he had his nieces. He is very fond of his young daughter Lada, and spends most of his days doting on her.

Riptide tends to be very serious, and ocassionally grumpy, but he's certainly the viscet you want in your corner. He has a lot of compassion for others, but a healthy dose of skepticism as well.

He is now a high school guidance councellor, and is in a relationship with his best friend Gustav.

His art can be found here.