


4 months, 27 days ago


.: General Info :.

Name: Visor
Pronunciation: VEYE-zor
Nicknames: Unknown
Age: 18
Birthday: November 20
Birthplace: Unknown
Species: Inkling
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5'4

.: Distinguishing features :.

Visor is a rather scrawny Inkling who prefers to color himself blue. His head tentacles are short and he often wears them in a topknot so they don’t get in the way of his most distinct feature: his Astro Helm. He wears the Helm whenever he's in his Visor persona and the helm’s glass has been specially modified to not only hide his face with a tint and act like a corrective lens, but also provide a stylized display of his eyes. When he doesn’t have the helmet on, he wears his prescription Retro Specs instead. His face is unremarkable.

Outside of that, he also gravitates toward the Black Squideye and the E-JECT 30XXs, though he can occasionally be seen wearing other outfits.

. :Personality :.

Visor is cold, conceited, and crafty. He tried to keep others at an arm’s length, as they tend to get on his nerves and he feels he’s too good for them. He fancies himself a scholar, an intellectual, and an all around cunning individual. In reality, he’s kind of a loser, but he’d rather die than admit that. While he does have an above average IQ and a better understanding of machinery than most Inkfish, he’s far from the prodigy he believes himself to be.

When put under pressure, he has a tendency to lash out. This can best be seen on the ink battlefield, where his preferred playstyle is to run up to the front lines and push the objective whenever possible. Of course, this often gets him splatted, but the anger this generates only fuels his hyper-aggressive mentality even further.

He also has an inordinate interest in all things mechanical and engineering-related. There are many things he’d like to build for himself one day and he believes he’s destined for greatness in the field.

. :Stats :.

Level/freshness: 13
Rank: C (out of laziness)
Main weapon: Jet Squelcher
Other weapons: Aerospray MG, N-Zap '89
Strengths: Keen Mind, Determination, Persistence, Aggression
Weaknesses: Ambush tactics, Close-range attackers, Myopia (without a corrective lens), Aggression

.: Relationships :.


He doesn’t talk to his parents much.



Love Interest


.: History :.




Visor currently resides in Spatsville, maintaining his job, meeting new people against his will, and waiting for his big break and he continues to work on his projects.

.: Other Details :.

- The most impressive thing he’s built on his own is a full Aerospray. It doesn’t work properly.
- Thinks brush users especially were born without a cerebellum.
- Seems to have a fixation with Flyfish. Oh, how he’d love to get his hands on one of their vessels…
- Does not enjoy most pop music, but has a soft spot for Off the Hook.
- He almost never smiles. When he does, he’s either being forced to, or he really means it.