Basic Info

Available for breedings;



Name: Artemis and Eris | Pronouns: she/her (both) | Age Range: early twenties | Orientation: demi-sexual (Artemis) 1000% boy-crazy (Eris)

Artemis (along with her sister Diana)  are street artists. The two of them make the most distinctive tags in  the city-- and Artemis is proud of it. Her tail Erin isn't super  impressed by her antics (though isn't outwardly unsupportive either)  she's simply just more interested in girlie-er things (and boys.  Definitely boys) Artemis is a bit of the rebellious type-- in some ways,  she's your typical street artist. She's pretty much only concerned  about her sisters, her brother, and her art. (Sisters plural because she  considers her tail a sister, and brother because she considers Diana's  tail Mars a brother)

Their art can be found here.