Basic Info

Available for breedings;



Name: Dullahan | Pronouns: he/him | Age Range: twenties | Orientation: heterosexual

When Dullahan was small, his mother always warned him to stay away from the will-o-wisps that seemed to try to lead him into the marshes. But he was always drawn to them, and eventually he followed them anyway. He didn't head back home, contented to explore the marshes and being led by the many wisps. Only when he began to miss his mother did one of the wisps finally speak to him, by taking over the form of the small puppet his mother had given to him a few weeks prior. The wisps-- especially the one possessing the doll who called herself Aine, lead and guided him through his young life. In a way, they raised him. Eventually, when he grew curious enough to check in on his mother, years had gone by and his mother had been gone for a couple of them. His village had been torched, and there was nothing left of it. For the most part, Dullahan still lives in the marshes and only occasionally interacts with other viscets in the villages and towns closer to the marshes. That is until he meets Ruari, who runs from bandits and theives and accidentally enters the marshes. He tries to protect Ruari from the bandits, but instead they end up harming him and taking Aine from him, she tells him before she is competely separated from him however that he has domain over all the marshes-- over the Great Marsh itself. Rauri and Dullahan go on a quest to try to track the bandits and Aine down, and along the way he discovers that he has become the king of the Great Marsh. He didn't understand what it meant to be king or want the responsibility-- he was born a peasant after all and raised by wisps in the marshes. As he tries to come into his roll, he also searches for Aine with Rauri. During their search they are ambushed by Arius, who keeps a hold of Dullahan, and tells Rauri he will only be released in exchange for Aine's soul. Rauri does find Aine, who claims her soul is less important than Dullahan's life, and takes her place. A viscet named Kaecilius tries to get Dullahan to make a deal to get Aine back, but he knows it's a trick and declines. He takes over his responsibility as king of the marshes instead, and focuses on his duties.

His art can be found here.