Basic Info

Available for breedings;



Name: Abraham "Bram" | Pronouns: he/him | Age Range: appearance is late twenties | Orientation: bisexual

Abraham was a stage actor when he met the love of his life-- but his  first love (his passion for the stage) always called him away from her.  He would leave to make money and follow his dreams. One time when he came back, his love had passed on. He couldn't accept her death and wanted to bring her back. It was then that he struck a deal with The Illustrated Man,  in hopes of bringing her back to life. Mr. Dark struck the deal, and  Abraham's love was brought back from the grave, but Abraham was now a  servant to Mr. Dark's carnival, and would forever remain a slave to the  Illustrated Man, at least until his death. He performs stage shows for the carnival occasionally, and does special effects for a lot of shows. He sings in a rich baritone that seems to transfix and mystify others. He sings sometimes, but usually he uses his voice to direct people to the carnival shows.

His art can be found here.