Ghigo Fabbrini



5 months, 18 days ago


The motorboy from Portofino
name Ghigo Fabbrini
dob 07/23/1926
age 28
sex male
height 5'11
weight 178 lbs

code jiko


Coming from a family of auto mechanics outside Portofino, Ghigo grew up a rough and tumble kid with an affinity for motorcycles. His father, who was always in and out of the garage, fostered a very loving relationship with his son taking him just about everywhere and allowing him to help out while he worked. Ghigo's favorite thing to do with his father was after the shop closed on weekends: when he and his buddies would get together to race their motorcycles and place bets. Though far too young to parttake in this at the time he adored watching his father make everyone else eat his dust. His family would joke about him "being born with a wrench in his hand" due to how quickly he took to mechanics. He had a natural eye for them and with the help of his father who fostered his growing interest, every day after school Ghigo would eagerly join him in the garage where he would only become more interested in how these machines worked.

By the time WWII rolled around, Ghigo had taken over his father's place in the garage after he got enlisted. He and his mother continued business as usual, till 1944 when 16 year old Ghigo received the news his father had been killed in action. Both were extremely torn up about it but he and his mother persisted, stepping up full time to run their family's business. He had a deep admiration for her and her strength through hardship but as the new man of the house found himself the confidant as well, which unfortunately left him exposed to things he should not have been at that age. His mother became very reliant on her son, actively seeking him out for emotional support he didn't exactly know how to give her. Her bipolar tendencies were tough to navigate, Ghigo wanted to support her and be there as best he could, but for his own sake he had to take a step back.

Ghigo began working on his father's old bikes and racing them amongst friends as a sort of escape, all behind his over-protective mother's back as she was adimant about keeping one of her boys alive. Despite this, he continued under the guise that he began working a second job in order to help with money (and explain coming home with large amounts of cash). In 1950, Ghigo came forward and told her after entering in the Motorcycle Grand Prix over in Milan, she was initially beside herself but he managed to win her over fairly easily despite her still preferring he go into a safer profession.

Initially everyone thought he was entering as a joke, but this was soon proved incorrect when he finished 3rd. Thus started the privateer leg of his racing career, where he racked up quite a few wins under no sponsor. Ghigo eventually switched over to motorcar racing in 1952, where he would finally begin taking his career more seriously. With the camera presence of a god, Ghigo managed to accidentally cultivate a large following as the independent, happy-go-lucky motorboy.

In 1954 after part-taking in the Mille Miglia Ghigo signed under the sponsor Pasquale Campagna, a man who had close ties with big name companies like Ferrari and Maserati, where he would then race on his team. Getting to know the much more seasoned racers was challenging in the beginning, but eventually the five of them clicked on and off the track. Ghigo was particularly fond of Ashley Barker, and the two quickly became close friends.Things came to a brief halt in 1956 when Ashley's brakes failed, and he died in a horrendous crash that made headlines. Later the same year after the dust had settled, Ashley's replacement was signed and Ghigo would attempt to make peace with this certain newcomer.

tomatoes, car aerodynamics, Ferrari, gardening, quality time with friends, physical affection, swing music, motorcycles, Natalino Otto, olives, pine nuts, sketching, pignoli cookies, figs and oranges
mushrooms, being homesick, eggplant, long movies, not being active, oversleeping, cold weather, the opera, church, greasy foods, being excluded

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

Ghigo is almost always in high spirits; constantly smiling and tickled by the littlest things most people wouldn't even bat an eye at, ever since he was a child. He is extremely hospitable and speaks to everyone as if they were his friend, despite the many VASTLY differing opinions on that matter. He never goes about it in a way that would be regarded as tone deaf or inconsdierate especially towards strangers, Ghigo is just inclined to be as polite and inclusive as he possibly can be. He is a natural conversationalist and is a pro at small talk finding it easy to strike up a conversation with just about anyone, especially thanks to extensive press interviews after races, and overall is just a person who is very open to speaking and listening. Though Ghigo is an extrovert he maintains a moderately level demeanor, he's an extremely grounded and go with the flow individual. Nothing he does is super high energy unless he's excited to that degree. He has a strange air of confidence about him in the way he doesn't come across as pompous or selfish, as one would expect an athlete to have, but instead he is calm, gentle, and very down to earth despite having his head in the clouds at times. Ghigo is a very generous man, literally and figuratively, always looking for any way he could give back or be of service to his friends and colleagues. It can be a little overbearing at times due to the fact he is oh so very passionate about how much he cares, but none of it ever comes from a place of ill will. That being said he is a very, VERY affectionate young man, painfully so at times. Ghigo shows affection the best way he knows how: physically, wether it be a gentle pat on the back, clutching a shoulder, a big hug, or (his personal favorite) a kiss for each cheek. In his opinion, more people should be outwardly loving towards one another.

Despite his good nature, Ghigo has a bit of a hard time picking up on social cues and reading mood shifts in certain scenarios. His overly positive outlook on life causes him to neglect the negative side of things (though not without reason!) which initially makes him panic until he remembers to take a step back and assess the situation. He's a very good consort and is strangely well versed when it comes to advice. But when it comes to his own problems, Ghigo has a habit of isolating and retreating out of fear that he would be bothering anyone who listened. He bottles up a lot of negative emotion and tends to ignore it till it begins bubbling over, but never ever snaps at anyone or anything. It usually comes out in the form of anxiety or sadness both of which Ghigo attempts to manage by himself, out of the belief he's supposed to be able to handle it.

Design Notes
  • Kinda wavy hair, short slicked back style, neatly kept
  • Has a tall appearance, not necessarily lanky, has the presence of taking up more space due to his big personality
  • Dresses modestly! Likes to style things too
  • Little dimples on his cheeks, boys almost always smiling
  • Squinty eyes, kind of foxy but they're very kind
  • Not very hairy, has a hard time growing facial hair and prefers to keep clean shaven
  • Real name is Arrigo! He seldom EVER goes by this, he has a very complicated relationship with it that stems from his mother. As far as he's concerned his name is Ghigo and nothing else
  • Has a bit of a green thumb, enjoys gardening and being out in nature
  • Adores Ferraris, his favorite car to drive by far, especially the Ferrari 500 and 315 S
  • HUUUUUUGE Natalino Otto fan, knows the words to most of his songs and constantly hums to himself when bored
  • Organized clutter type guy, after a closer look you'll see everything has a system in his garage

Voice Claim
Vittorio Gassman