Onyx Armour



4 months, 29 days ago


Character Description (Onyx Armour)

- Received: Designed by AncientDrawings (me)

- Worth: $10

- B-Day: January 11th

- Partner: Blitz Dasher (Owned by Soupkin)

- Voice Claim: Monster (youtube.com)


The Next Gen son of King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis. While is parents are unstable in their own respects, their relationship was purely transactional, and Onyx's purpose was to be used as a war weapon, a pawn to give the villains an upper hand.

Onyx was "gifted" Sombra's knowledge and skill of Dark Magic, while he is also half changeling, he does not rely on love alone to nourish himself but can still use this ability to manipulate the ponies around him. His transformation skills are not as developed compared to full-blooded changelings; it takes a lot more energy for him to be something he is not. Onyx was born to be a villain, an heir, being manipulated to become a cold-blooded villain like his parents, if Sombra and Chrysalis succeeded in taking Equestria and the Crystal Empire, both would go to Onyx in the line of succession.

Despite his purpose and how he was raised, Onyx is anything but an evil villain. While he is not perfect and has made his fair share of mistakes, his guiding light is his partner, Blitz Dasher. Blitz is his ride or die, their relationship is what keeps him grounded and rational. Onyx doesn't want to become like his parents, so he uses his powers very sparingly unless threatened or to protect his partner. Deep in his mind he is afraid of corruption, he sometimes wishes he was just a normal pony, with a normal family, normal friends. He is scared he will hurt those closest to him unintentionally...