Ashala of Frosthelm



4 months, 9 days ago


"Not all is as it seems, my child."

  • Name Ashala, Daughter of Girik.
  • Age 24
  • Pronouns She/Her
  • Race Tiefling
  • Class Cleric (Necromancer)
  • Religion Netite
  • Nationality Bersian


An absolute nobody. Outside of her little mountain village, Ashala didn't exist in the eyes of the world, content to live her humble life without a drop of fame to her name: Until the lottery. As luck would have it, or perhaps fate itself, Ashala's name was drawn when the king of Goldenshire decreed the planet below would be explored after centuries of being seperated. Though she had no choice in the matter due to tricky legal mumbo jumbo, she saw the opportunity as a fun new adventure to forge a new path in her life. Now, she's been thrust into a world of magic beyond anything she's ever known and faced with the fact that her god may not be everything she thought it to be.


The first thing someone would notice about Ashala is the pure amount of joy she has to share with the world, her smile almost always on full show. Her boundless energy is contagious, if not utterly annoying to some, and she usually charms those around her with her charismatic presence. Though, she can be much for those who'd rather not keep up with the tiefling spouting off question after question rapid fire.

However, despite her natural charm, Ashala finds herself stumbling over social cues often, accidentally insulting someone by assuming something, asking a strange question, or otherwise trying to worm her way into someone business far before they'd be comfortable with such a thing. She navigates the world around her with an earnest desire for approval from those she calls friends, seeking acceptance and validation with everything she does for them. She takes rejection hard but she's quick enough to bounce back to her normal bubbly self before long.

Her curiosity knows no bounds, driving her to explore the world around her with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. This innate sense of adventure often leads Ashala into uncharted territories that aren't the safest for her to traverse alone. She's prone to rushing into situations due to her impatience when she's too excited, happily bounding into traps and getting herself wrapped up in another sinister plot without meaning to.


  • Snow
  • Music
  • Animals
  • Exploration


  • Heat
  • Isolation
  • Rude People
  • Confined Spaces


  • Whittling
  • Cooking
  • Story Telling




MAGIC: Necromancy

Ashala has been unaware of her affinity for the undead, and the dark magic that comes with it, so her skills with her magic are quite underdeveloped but she's slowly improving the more she's on the planet below.

SKILL: Herbology

She grew up with a healer, lessons about herbs and their medicinal properties repeated over and over to her until she could tell you all about the local plants of her hometown in her sleep. She has a passion for healing through herbs, despite her affinity for deathly magic, and she once thought she'd be the best healer Bersia'd ever seen.

SKILL: Charisma

Though she occasionally struggles with specific cues, Ashala's charisma is quite high for someone from a little town in the middle of nowhere. She's quite the charmer when she wishes to be.


Ashala stands at a meager 4'9 thanks to her hooved legs, perhaps she would have gone over five feet had it not been for the curve of her white and fuzzy lower half. She has ivory white skin marked by deep black tattoos that run down her face and take up the majority of space on her neck, a few tattoos also wrapping themselves around her tail- smaller lines swirling over the heart shaped tip. Her hair is long and wild, reaching well past her waist with its bright white curls- sticking up whatever way it damn well pleases. Her eyes are bright blue, framed by long lashes and a smattering of freckles beneath her tattoos. She typically prefers to wear long tunics of rich browns and blues that hang loosely off her broad chubby frame, avoiding pants when she can to avoid getting them custom tailored for her fuzzy legs. Tossed on over her clothes, she typically wears a soft black cloak lined with white fur, and beneath everything she tucks her precious amulet of Net.


Early Life

"Well, mah life started off pretty simple!."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id nisl tortor. Nullam id velit accumsan, aliquet diam sed, faucibus mi. Quisque eu molestie leo. Quisque ac mi in nunc volutpat euismod ut vel libero. Duis elementum, ex in placerat venenatis, urna erat varius quam, a porta urna enim sed quam. Etiam eu neque pellentesque, consectetur nunc sit amet, tincidunt ligula. In aliquet pretium consectetur. Donec eget aliquet massa, ut accumsan libero. Quisque viverra nisi eu nisl fermentum, eget dapibus elit tristique. Mauris et pellentesque risus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus ultrices sem in nulla euismod dignissim. Integer ornare urna felis.

A New Journey

"But then, everythin' changed..."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id nisl tortor. Nullam id velit accumsan, aliquet diam sed, faucibus mi. Quisque eu molestie leo. Quisque ac mi in nunc volutpat euismod ut vel libero. Duis elementum, ex in placerat venenatis, urna erat varius quam, a porta urna enim sed quam. Etiam eu neque pellentesque, consectetur nunc sit amet, tincidunt ligula. In aliquet pretium consectetur. Donec eget aliquet massa, ut accumsan libero. Quisque viverra nisi eu nisl fermentum, eget dapibus elit tristique. Mauris et pellentesque risus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus ultrices sem in nulla euismod dignissim. Integer ornare urna felis.



"An interestin' person fer sure, but I ain't sure if they like me."

The first of the party Ashala met when they were all selected for this jounrey. The two got off to a rough start, Ashala greeting them with far too much enthusaism for someone being forced off the island into a program that might not work. She hopes to be their friend eventually, especially if they're going to be working together often!


"A right quiet feller fer how big he is! Wonder if he'd lemme see that book 'es got."

Another that Ashala was perhaps too much at first for. She doesn't have many strong opinions on him yet, but she's certainly a fan of his accent and wants to learn everything about them that they'll let her. Maybe he'll teach her a bit about


"How are ya able to be so scary yet so fuckin' friendly at the same time? Yer an odd one. I like it."

Munk's certainly made an impression with Ashala with their introduction, instilling both fear and wonder in her heart all at once. Once it was established that Munk was an ally of the group, she quickly began following them around and soaking in everything they had to say about the Goldenshire kingdom and it's corrupt King. Despite the gruffness of their voice and their size, they're rather kind to the little tiefling and she appreciates their presence during these trying times- even if they're a bit of an adjustement.