
8 months, 9 days ago


Name: Airelia "Ashe" Montenegro

Gender: Female

D.O.B.: June 12th, 1991

Nationality: United States. She's from the Rocky Mountain region of the United States, and is very active and outdoorsy. 

Profession: Vet

Professional division & rank: N/A

Traits & skills: none

Height: 189 cm

Eye colour: Gray/green

Hair colour: Light brown, tips are always dyed though the color changes (usually teal)

Bodybuild: Muscular

Additional details about appearence: She has two piercings in her left ear. She has nature-themed tattoos around her neck and adorning her collarbone, as well as two smaller floral tattoos on her face. She has a large kingfisher with it's wings spread tattooed on her back, and a small snake sleeve tattoo on her left arm. She is left-handed. She has nature themed tattoos on most of her body (you can make some up!), and always has a undercut and spiked hair.


She's a bit stuck up and often acts like she's better than the people around her. This is a defense mechanism as she struggles with imposter syndrome because of being the only queer woman to complete the shedu vet course that she took. She often mistakes general questions for attacks, and is quick to get defensive. She loves sarcasm and dark humor.


Airelia Montenegro, fondly known as Ashe, emerged as a free spirit from the moment she drew her first breath. Growing up in a tight-knit rural community, Ashe defied societal expectations with a tomboyish spirit that reveled in the untamed beauty of the natural world. The small town, surrounded by lush landscapes, offered the perfect canvas for her adventures.

Her childhood was a tapestry of outdoor escapades, filled with tree-climbing, mud-covered clothes, and the boundless exploration of nearby forests. Whether she was scaling cliffs, building forts, or tracking animals, Ashe was in her element, embracing curiosity and fearlessness as her guiding stars.

As she entered her college years, Ashe's journey took an academic turn. She pursued a degree in veterinary medicine, a decision that would set her on a path of profound self-discovery. College life exposed her to diverse perspectives, igniting a quest to understand her own identity beyond the confines of traditional norms.

It was during these formative years that Ashe's sexuality came into focus. Her heart and attractions transcended conventional expectations, and she proudly embraced her identity as a bisexual woman. This revelation was both liberating and challenging, as she navigated the complexities of self-acceptance in a world that often struggled to embrace diversity.

Within the halls of vet school, Ashe faced unique hurdles as one of the few queer women in her field. Imposter syndrome haunted her, leading her to shield herself with quick wit and sarcasm, mistaking curiosity for judgment and doubting her own abilities.

Yet, amidst these trials, Ashe found resilience. She recognized that her diverse experiences and unique identity brought invaluable perspectives to her chosen profession. With steadfast determination and the unwavering support of cherished friends who celebrated her individuality, she dismantled the walls she had built around herself and embraced her self-worth.

Her academic journey unveiled a deep connection with animals and a passionate commitment to animal rights. Ashe's love for veterinary medicine merged seamlessly with her dedication to social justice, driving her to advocate for a more inclusive and compassionate world for all creatures, great and small.

Through her struggles and triumphs, Ashe discovered her voice and purpose. Her experiences as a tomboy, a bisexual woman, and a tenacious vet molded her into a fierce advocate for animal rights and a beacon of hope for those who felt marginalized or unseen.

Stepping into her veterinary career, Ashe carried with her the wisdom and strength she had gained. She sought to create safe spaces within the veterinary community, advocating for diversity, inclusion, and empathy, all while sporting her distinctive spiked blue hair and nature-themed tattoos.

Cattery: La Montagne

Cat Yard or Gang: none

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