


5 months, 8 days ago

Basic Info

Full name

Hazama Teruko ( Can go by Teru or Ted )








5'8 / ~172cm


CW Run-on sentences I do not feel like trying to write decent LOL!

Teruko is sugar's partner at Catgirl Detective Agency.she's actually 1/4th catgirl herself so she counts enough

Teruko is extremely awkward/shy and softspoken, so much so that only catgirls can hear her with their sensitive hearing.she basically has undiagnosed autism and really struggles functioning socially. Though she has comedic moments of being overly confident shes actually pretty insecure and sells herself short but shes smarter than she thinks she is and catches onto stuff quick. People shes not as close to see her as a sweet person but shes actually pretty bitchy and just keeps it to herself or whines around Sugar who shes more comfortable being herself around. Teruko also has really bad luck and a lot of Misfortune happens to her like Slipping On A Banana Peel-tier shit.

Teruko has problems with alcohol as being drunk makes her feel "normal" (as in Less Socially Inept) which she deeply desires but is convinced she cant have sober.Though shes thankfully not a full-on alcoholic thanks to Sugar keeping an eye on her. Since people usually cant hear her voice a lot of the time people assume her to be a boy but shes not but she also doesnt really care about being seen as one and so doesnt bother correcting them and finds it embarrassing when Sugar corrects them so she told her to stop

Being 1/4th catgirl has little effect on her life besides having a better sense of smell/hearing than other people and also her horrible transformation abilities that she never uses which has her grow claws and sharp teeth which basically shoot out of her instantaneously which "pushes" (rips) her regular teeth/nails out which is extremely paintful and also for some reason she becomes very violent in an almost animalistic way.Her teeth and obv nails grow back thankfully but it is Painful and not worth the hassle so Teruko never willingly uses this power and had only ever come out in times of Stress