Sylvan (S)



8 months, 12 days ago


Sylvan, more commonly known as S, was a Dragonstone who was the personal guardian of Queen Dydar.

Since his creation, Sylvan had always craved the Queen's attention. There was not one situation where he did not want to be by her side, battling alongside her or listening to her commands obediently. His goal in life was always to serve his Queen, because it was the only thing he was created for. As such, it was the only thing he was good at. He cared not about other tasks or people, even if they were to be considered his family. The Queen was all that he had in life, so he wanted to impress her.

He was lucky to achieve this task, being named one of her strongest warriors... he was even given the privilege to be her personal guardian. It was a useless title because the Queen could fend for herself just fine, however he cherished it. It meant he could be by his Queen's side as much as possible. It was a dream come true for him, a dream he did not even know he could have.

One day, that all was due to change. Three hundred years had passed, and a duo of new faces entered the dimension, faces he had not bothered to memorize... except for one. He had heard stories of the one called 'Draxen'. He was a warrior that had abandoned Iadotha the moment he was cursed with the bloodline it created. He hated traitors, but so few of them got the opportunity to live, apart from this one. He said nothing as the Queen and the strange warrior exchanged words. A deal they had made, and an interest in it he took. 

Queen Dydar turned to him, asking a favor of him... to battle the stranger that the warrior Draxen had brought; his son. Sylvan was desperate to prove himself to his Queen, so he accepted. He promised to take care of the 'worthless pest' that had entered their dimension, even though the stranger seemed too confident for his liking. And after he was finished, he would kill the traitor that stood alongside his Queen, watching the duel take place. Unfortunately, Sylvan's own efforts were all for naught, as he lost the battle after being outsmarted by the stranger. Queen Dydar declared the battle to be over, and this stranger, 'Johnathon', to be the winner. The Queen kept to her promise of the deal she had made... that Draxen would be stripped of his Dragonstone magic, returned to his mortality, and Johnathon would bear his curse instead.

However, she changed the rules last minute, and turned to Sylvan. She was disappointed in him for his 'embarrassing' defeat. She declared that he too would be removed of his abilities, and they would instead be given to Johnathon, who could utilize them properly. Sylvan was terrified; he did not have to experience death as a magical being, right? Regardless, he pleaded for life from his Queen, terrified of the concept. He begged her desperately that he be given another chance to prove his worth to her, that he could still protect her even with this loss. He did not want to leave her side, and his pitiful cries for help were the most emotion anyone had ever seen of him.

But his cries did nothing. The Queen was unfeeling for her creations, as she was with all life. The Queen brought him forth in her magic, despite his pitiful whining. With the smallest, fakest of apologies, she destroyed him. From him, she ripped free his magic and forced his physical form to dissipate. Draxen was banished from Iadotha as Johnathon was infused with both his and Sylvan's magic. Sylvan no longer existed, only his magic remained.

Sometimes, Johnathon finds himself experiencing deja vu as he traverses the world, in places that Sylvan had once wandered when he was alive.