Karina Torroja Zeppeli



Karina Torroja Zeppeli

Karina Torroja Zeppeli
Japanese Nameカリナ・トロジャ・ツェペリ
NamesakeKarina: Ana Torroja
Age24 (Part 3)
34 (Part 4)
47 (Part 6)
Birthday24th July, 1964
Zodiac SignLeo
Chinese ZodiacDragon
Height175 cm (5' 9'')
Blood TypeA
Hair ColorBlonde
Eye ColorBrown
OccupationHelper in her father’s farm (Part 3)
Teacher (Parts 4-6)
MovieRaiders of the Lost Ark
ActorHarrison Ford
FlowerPink rose
HobbiesKnitting, traveling
Other Information
GoalsTraveling the world
DislikesBeing told what to do, flirtatious men
Manga DebutChapter 133: The Devil, Part 1 (part 3)
Chapter 316: Picked Up Something Bad! Part 2 (Part 4)
Chapter 669: Father: Jotaro Kujo, Daughter: Jolyne Kujo (Briefly and only appareance, Part 6)
Final AppearanceChapter 669: Father: Jotaro Kujo, Daughter: Jolyne Kujo
Anime DebutEpisode 34: The Devil (Part 3)
Episode 87: We Picked Up Something Crazy! (Part 4)
Game DebutEyes of Heaven
Japanese Voice Actor Minako Kotobuki
English Voice Actor Tara Platt
Live-Action Actor Mizuki Yamamoto
Looking up at the stars, made me want to travel the world and stars with you.

— Karina Torroja Zeppeli

SPOILER WARNING: Part 3, 4, and 6 Spoiler details may follow.

Karina Torroja Zeppeli (カリナ・トロジャ・ツェペリ Karina Toroja Tseperi) is a secondary character and ally featured in Stardust Crusaders. She appears also in Diamond is Unbreakable, but her role in that part is noticeably smaller.

She's a Hamon user and the illegitimate granddaugther of Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli.


Karina is a tall woman, rather thin, with slight but marked curves, whose distinctive features are two purple colored spots on both cheeks.

Early life

When Karina was a child she used to have a bob haircut. When she was 18 years-old and was an university student, she had very long hair, and she usually wore make up for hiding her cheeks birthmarks.

Stardust Crusaders

Karina has long hair tied in a side braid. She uses a pink lipstick, and looks younger than she is due to her Hamon training. When she first met Jotaro and company in Singapore, she wears a white T-shirt with a green sleeveless jacket, and dark brown loose trousers. She also wears pale yellow fingerless gloves, and a black arm band on her left arm. Other charasteristics things are a pink belt, earrings with a feather-like form, and a green headband. About footwear, she wears brown boots. Also, during her first appearance, she still wore make up for hidding her birthmarks. After removing it for showing them to Joseph, she continued without it.

After she reunite with the group again in Karachi, she wears a slightly different outfit. She wears a green sleeveless sweater with a turtleneck. Her trousers are similar but in a grey color, but with the same belt. Also her gloves then are green instead of yellow. She remains the same boots, arm band, and earrings, but she doesn't wear the headband anymore.

Diamond is Unbreakable

After ten years and since she stopped her Hamon training, she aged a bit. She still uses pink lipstick. She wears her hair tied in a braided ponytail. Karina's outfit consists in a lime green T-shirt, a brown jacket , and a pair of jeans. About footwear, she wears brown boots that reminds to the ones she used in Stardust Crusaders.

Stone Ocean

Karina has aged considerably. She wears a pink lipstick, and her hair tied in a braid updo hairstyle, way shorter than in previous parts. Her outfit consits in an orange shirt, a black skirt, and blue cristal-like shoes.

Nobody Dies AU

When she lives in New York, her main outfit consists in the same turtleneck sweater of Stardust Crusaders, but with a long grey wool coat tied with the pink belt, and military green trousers. When her pregnancy is more noticeable, she uses a loose green shirt with a blue long silk coat, and black leggings.

She wears a different hairstyle in between the Stardust Crusaders' braid and the Diamond is Unbreakable's braided ponytail,during 1990 -1996 aprox. She wears a braided bun with ponytail.


Karina is introduced as a cheerful woman with a very carefree personality. She is always in a good mood, and likes to look at the bright side of things. Also, she really loves jokes, and has a good relationship with Joseph right away due to that and their kind of similir personalities.

She is determined and once her mind is set on something, nothing can stop her. Despite this cheerful personality of her, there are times when she can be serious too. Karina tries to look as a dominant person around others, but she can be also very soft, especially around the ones she loves. After meeting Avdol before she could tell him her feelings, she acted way more submissive and even shy with him, blushing a lot, to everyone's surprise. Once she could cofess to him, she started to act as carefree as before, making usual jokes, with Polnareff usually as the target of most of them. Karina also has a short temper which usually leads her to dangerous situations or misunderstandings. Thankfully, Avdol and Esther are the ones who sometimes can calm her and avoid this.

Her short temper is mellowed out by the events of Diamond Is Unbreakable, in which she tries to be optimistic in every moment, although after losing her lover she wasn't the same as before. She promised herself that she wouldn’t cry in front of her daughter and she's actually the reason why Karina could go on with her life. She is very protective of her daughter showed in how she flyed as soon as she could to Morioh for help her with her stand. She tries to be the mature mother her daughter need, and sometimes tries to adviced the Morioh kiddos. Still, her teasing nature still present. and she shows it especially with her old friends Esther and Jotaro.

By Stone Ocean, Karina seems to be more pessimistic, especially after her daughter Rosa started working as an Speedwagon Foundation Agent. She respects her daughter dreams but can't help but worry about losing her as she has lost everyone loved for her before, and can't forgive the Speedwagon Foundation and Esther and Jotaro for letting her daughter went to dangerous missions.


Physical Ability

Karina is an exceptionally agile fighter, distinguishes herself through performing acrobatics and being a fast runner in general. Also, she uses her Hamon technique mixing with the acrobatics to be even more agile. In contrast, she's not a strong fighter, although she still is stronger than the average.

Karina, also, has a lot of stamina and resistance, and is capable to handle a lot of physical work due to this..


Karina born as a hamon user due to her great-grandfather's bloodline, and she was able to project its power from an early age. Although she didn't have any guidance since her mother didn't have enough stamina nor skill to had a properly Hamon training when Messina tried to train her in the past. Karina learned all by herself with time and was able to do some tricks. She can perform some overdrive-like attacks, channeling a large amount of the Hamon into her whole hand or arm and delivering a powerful chopping attack. Aside from attacking, she is able to use it for other applications such as standing on water and healing small wounds.


Karina was born the 24th July of 1964 in Asturias, Spain. She lived with her parents, Mina and Juan, and her maternal grandmother, Rafaella. Since she was little, her mother usually told stories about her father, Karina's grandfather, and how he and his friend saved the world with their powers. Her mother even showed her a photo of these men, something that Karina treasured as much as the stories themselves. Karina started to play imitating those heroes of the stories, and one day, a little spark came out of her hand. Then Mina told her that that was 'Hamon', the powers she told her about. Since then, Karina started to 'play' with her new powers, something that really scared Rafaella, since she didn't want to lose anyone precious to her again.

When Rafaella passed away, Karina started to study a degree at University and forgot about her Hamon because she knew that this would be her grandmother's wish. After finishing the degree and after having a little disillusion during those years, she decided that she would be her own hero since she didn't want to depend on anyone anymore. So, she worked hard for saving money for can be able to travel the world.

Stardust Crusaders

When she saved enough money, she started her journey. She decided that her first destiny had to be very far away, so she ended up choosing Singapore. There, when she was looking for an hotel, she overheard a conversation and recognized the surname Joestar in it, the same surname of the person her grandfather fought with and died for. So, Karina approached Joseph and the rest. At first, they thought that she was an enemy but after making sure that she couldn’t see stands, even it seemed that she didn’t even know what stands are, they listened to her. Then, Karina cleaned the make-up that was hiding her birthmarks and Joseph immediately recognized them and understood who she had to be. Karina wanted to ask Joseph about her grandfather, but since it seemed they had been attacked he postponed the talk. Karina was so eager to know about her old man so she waited for Joseph in his hotel room and, at the end. she took a shower when was tired of waiting. When Joseph entered the room, he found her with just a towel and started screaming. When Avdol entered the room, he found them in a weird position because they started fighting when trying to calm the other. When leaving Singapore, Karina clarified everything because she didn't want the rest, especially Avdol, to think that she was into old men.

During the journey, Karina befriended Kakyoin and Esther, and became more friendly with Polnareff, although she claimed the first moment she saw him in Singapore that a French and a Spanish can't be friends. Also, she started to develop romantic feelings for Avdol, so she usually tried to make him look at her. During the fight against Hol Horse, Karina saw how he injured Avdol, and at first, thought that he was dead, so when Joseph told her that he was alive she felt so relieved. Then, Karina asked him if she could be there with Avdol making sure he recovered properly for continuing their crusade, and Joseph accepted since it would be better for both Avdol and Karina to be far from the spotlight of their enemies. During the time Karina looked after Avdol, she ended up confessing unintentionally, and Avdol accepted her feelings and told her that he felt the same. Karina and Avdol intimated, even though they felt really guilty about it knowing the situation they were in. Next day, when Avdol fully recovered, he parted to acomplish Joseph's plans, and Karina went to Karachi for reuniting with the rest of the crusaders.

When she reunited with them, an enemy attacked them. Steely Dan implanted his stand in Joseph telling them that he was going to die. Karina felt sad, she couldn't lose him, she had already lost her own grandfather, but she got relaxed when the crusaders took Joseph to help him. Karina decided to be with Jotaro for watching over him, thinking he would explode at any moment. Seeing that Jotaro actually could handle everything for his grandfather, Karina understood that he wasn't actually a bad guy. When Steely Dan knew he has been defeated by the others, he tried to divert their attention so the Lovers could enter in Karina and do the same as he had done with Joseph, but it was caught by Star Platinum. Then, Jotaro finally got his revenge and Karina watched the show with a grin.

Upon arriving in the United Arab Emirates, Joseph traded a car for a group of camels to ride through the Arabian Desert. Karina had fun watching Joseph trying to ride his camel, since she was good at it. After all, she grew up in a farm, so she was good with animals. In the desert, the Sun attacked them and almost died due to the heat, at least until everyone, except Joseph and Karina, realized about the trick the user was using. After that, they decided to go on plane with Joseph as the pilot, and also with a little baby as a new addition. Karina tried to made a joke on Joseph, but Jotaro stopped her saying that the old man didn't need any more reasons to crash a plane, thing that ended up happening anyways. When Kakyoin was saying that the baby was a stand user, Karina got scared and worried because she knows that Kakyoin was a nice guy so she couldn't believe his attitude that moment. When they were in the Dream World, Karina apologized for not believe him, and also says that Hierophant Green was the prettiest stand, because she could see them since they were in a dream. After finishing Death 13, she,as the rest, didn't remember anything about the Dream World.

When the gang reunited with Avdol in an island by the Red Sea, Karina inmediately glomped him, and then laughed at the fact that Polnareff was the only one who didn't know the truth. After that, they all entered the submarine and started their underwater journey. While Avdol was driving the submarine, Karina stayed behind him hugging him most of the time. When suddenly the stand High Priestess attacked, Karina checked that Joseph was okay. When they were going to exit the submarine, after Joseph's indication, she was very scared since this was the first time she was actually this close to the danger, Avdol realized this and took her hand. Also, since Karina was the only one who couldn’t communicate with the others via stand, they both were diving holding hands.

Upon arriving in Egypt, another stand attacked the group. Karina was injured on her shoulder when she tried to succor Avdol when the stand injured him in his neck. After the battle, Avdol, Kakyoin and her were hospitalized in Aswan. Avdol left the hospital soon, but Kakyoin and Karina didn't because the first one had very serious injuries and the latter needed more time to contrast some blood test. She whined at the beggining but was happy to be there cheering Kakyion up at least. In the hospital, the doctors told her that she was pregnant; she was very happy after hearing the news, and Kakyion smiled. Then, Karina asked him if it was that obvious Avdol's and her relationship and seemed that both Kakyion and Esther had found out a long time ago.

When Kakyion reunited with the rest for looking for DIO's mansion, Karina told them the news and that she was going to return back home. For Avdol and Karina surprise, not only Kakyion and Esther knew, but also Joseph and Jotaro. Polnareff was the only one who didn't realize until that same moment, something that Joseph made fun of. Before leaving, Karina offered the photo she has of him and her grandfather when they were young to Joseph, but he didn't accept it since he knows it was important for her. So she just promised to give him a copy next time they meet. Also, the last sentence she says before leaving was that she wanted to have at least 3 little adorable and chubby kids.

A few weeks later, Karina recieved a phone call. It was Polnareff who, since he felt guilty for what happened, thought that he should tell her the bad news. He couldn't even actually get started when Karina started crying and dropped the phone; she kind of feel what he was going to say.

Diamond is Unbreakable

Karina had to raise Rosa alone, with some help of her parents though. But when Rosa was nine, things started to get crazy. One day Karina saw things flying around her daughter and inmediately thought about the possibility of her having a stand like her father Avdol. Since Karina didn't have a stand and couldn't see them, she decided to call the SPW foundation for help. So, she and Rosa traveled to Morioh where Jotaro and Esther were, and asked the latter to train Rosa and her stand for avoid future issues, and Esther gladly accepted.

After all that happened ten years ago, Karina felt uneasy, but could talk about her feelings with Esther, and so did Esther with her, and they could get along as well as before. Karina stayed in a second plane during her stay in Morioh, usually being in Tonio's restaurant, hanging out with Tomoko, or going with Joseph and Shizuka. She got fond with the baby since the first people who Rosa and her met after they arrived Morioh were Shizuka, Josuke, and Joseph, when the two men found the little girl.

When the crimes started, she got worry and wanted to leave Morioh for Rosa's safety, but Rosa said that her friends needed her, and Karina then felt guilty and agreed with her; this time she wouldn't abandon her friends like she did ten years ago. She tried to avoid her daughter to be in danger but at the end it was useless, even Karina herself would be victim of Terunosuke Miyamoto's stand.

Once Kira was defeated and peace came to Morioh again, Karina decided to stay there for a few weeks as a holiday with her daughter. Rosa being glad to finally seeing her mother smile again being happy about the relaxed time and about Jotaro's and Esther's news of engagement.

Stone Ocean

The years have passed, and even if Karina did her best to keep Rosa out of danger, she decided to became a SPW agent. Karina had it hard to accept that since she just couldn't accept losing her daughter as she had lost Avdol, so when she knew about Rosa going in a mission to save Jolyne, she went to the SPW foundation to look for Jotaro and Esther and confront them to tell them that if her daughter got hurt, it would be their fault. Then, when she saw Jotaro's state, she understand the seriousness of the matter, and she fell on her knees, fearing losing her precious family again.

Nobody Dies AU

The difference from canon is that when she met the crusaders on Singapore, Joseph told her about Caesar being alive. Something that really angered her. This time she didn't try to ask anything about her grandfather to Joseph due to her anger. The events of SDC remain the same as in canon, but instead going back to Spain when finding out she was pregnant, she went to New York, since Joseph could manage a meeting between her and Caesar, something that didn't go well, since the first thing she did was kicking him on the face. She spent on the Joestar apartment the rest of the time, trying to not say anything about Holly's condition, but at the end Suzi and Billie went to Japan anyways. Then, after Karina's reaction about them going to Japan, Caesar knew something was happening, but Karina was still so hostile with him so he didn't ask.

When they recieved a call from the SPW foundation telling them that everyone of the crusaders was safe and sound in a hospital in Egypt, they traveled to there as soon as they could. There, everyone were so injured, but at least alive. Karina inmediately went to her beloved Avdol who had lost his both forearms. Then, Joseph and Caesar talked, and Joseph told him about Karina's pregnancy without knowing that she didn't tell him herself. Caesar got angry and went to confront her granddaughter but they ended up being thrown out of the room for being noisy.

After that, the SPW foundation tranfered the crusaders to hospital near their beloved ones, so Avdol was tranfered to New York, since Karina was living by now in the Joestar apartment. Caesar and Karina continued like that, since she didn't want to know anything about the man who caused so much suffering in her grandmother's and mother's life, but Caesar didn't give up. Karina went to visit Avdol to the hospital every day. He recieved prosthetic forearms, and did rehabilitation everyday in the hospital until he could move them as his own arms. During the time he spent in the hospital, Caesar saved Karina from a robber and had been getting a little closer to her.

When Avdol finally left the hospital, everyone received him with open arms. The same day, Billie asked them about their wedding, something that felt awkward for both of them. Also, when Billie said about meeting Mina, Karina confronted her grandfather and said that she wish he would be as dead as he was supposed to be. Then, Joseph slapped her, lectured her, and told her how Caesar spent those days and how difficult it was for him since he almost die. Karina ran away, and Caesar went after her. Then, Karina and Caesar could finally actually talk with the other about their feelings. After that, the both of them improved their relationship, even Caesar taught her some Hamon tricks.

Avdol and Karina continued living with them, something really appropriate for him since he still worked with Joseph and Esther for the SPW foundation. Also, Billie and Suzi organized Avdol's and Karina's wedding. It was very simple since they didn't want something big. So, in July they got married. Esther was the bridesmaid and Polnareff was the best man. Mina and Juan went to the wedding from Spain, and Karina inmediately introduced Mina to Caesar and left them to finally met each other. Mina was very happy to know her father and, unlike Karina at first, she didn't hold any grudges. During the ceremony everything was nice, everyone was having fun, but Karina, who was on her eighth month of pregnancy was starting to feel a bit tired. Esther who noticed this, decided to take her to bed to rest a bit even if Karina didn't want at first. A few weeks later, Karina had Rosa. She had some complications during delivery and was really scared, but Avdol held her hand in every moment. After having Rosa, Karina decided to stop her Hamon training although she wasn't very happy with the idea of aging. Caesar decided to stop with his Hamon training as well. He already felt guilty because he looked too young in comparison with Joseph and Suzi, but he just couldn’t think about one day looking younger that her own granddaughter.

After Rosa’s birth, when Karina was able to have intimate relationships again, she was kind of nervous, so she asked for advice to Joseph. Avdol was nervous too, because now he has prosthetic arms, and they could be kind of bothersome. At the end everything went well. Years later, Karina and Avdol had two other sons: Nassif and Anthonio. During Nassif’s birth, she was alone with Caesar and Billie due to bad weather making difficult driving. So, until Avdol could arrive, just in time, she was thankful that she had her grandfather’s hand to hold since she was really scared. Since she had that hard time, Avdol felt kind of guilty since he couldn’t be with her since the beginning, especially because he knew that she would be more worried about him and Joseph trying to arrive in that bad weather than about herself, but at least he knew that Caesar was with her. When Anthonio was born, and she told everyone his name, she blushed so much when they started to look at both her and Caesar while smiling. She swore that it was the first name that it popped to her head when she and Avdol were thinking about names. Everybody laughed while Avdol gently smiled, and Caesar teared up a bit because he was really touched. When their babies started to manifest their stands, Avdol did his best to try to teach them how to control them. Also, he scolded them every time that they used them for trivial things or when they tried to use them to tease their mother.

Years later, they moved to Asturias where Karina’s parents lived. Juan built the house in which Avdol, Karina, and the children were going to live. He didn’t want them to know, but Mina told them, and they were very grateful for that. There, they established their own farm.

During the events of DiU, Avdol went to Morioh accompanying Joseph. Karina went there without telling him with their kids too. She wanted to see her friends, plus that could be an interesting family travel, although later she would understand that it wasn't completely a good idea.

For Nassif’s 8th birthday, they adopted a little dog, so in a way, they gained another little child. When their children were older, they moved from home, they visited their parents very often though. Both of them are very proud of their kids having their own life too. Also, both Karina and Avdol sometimes visited the United States to see the Joestars, including now too their friend Esther who married Jotaro; and also Japan for visiting Kakyion and her wife Hana. Polnareff usually visited them too. And at least, once a year they all tried to reunite for remembering old times.

In 2011-2012, Rosa, due to a mission as an SPW agent, met Jolyne, Jotaro's and Esther's daughter, and fell in love with her, and eventually they started dating. Karina joked about how Joestars and Zeppelis seemed to be destinated to met in weird circumstances but was happy for both of them, and usually both Karina and Esther acted like embarrassing mothers with them. By that time, Nassif was studying at University in the United States, and Anthonio was planning in doing the same but in Spain.

Over the years, Karina got really worried about Avdol not loving her since she was aging so much since she left her Hamon training after Rosa’s birth. He just told her that this didn’t mind, and that he was really happy to get old together. Also, he told him that she didn’t seem to actually age, since she is still as cheerful and active as always.


Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance

Stardust Crusaders

Diamond is Unbreakable

Stone Ocean

Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance

Stardust Crusaders

Diamond is Unbreakable

Stone Ocean


Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

As a Ripple User, Karina has a Ripple Gauge that determines the strength of her attacks. Filling up the gauge will automatically empower her Normal and Powerful Attacks, and enhance/alter the properties of all her skills. It will also shorten the cooldown time on said skills. Using skills will drain a portion of the Ripple Gauge until there's an insufficient amount to use.

If Karina is paired with Avdol and the latter falls in battle before her, a special animation will play where she kneels down crying.

Special interactions:. [show / hide]

Joseph and Karina
Introduction 1:
Joseph: “Time to show the importance of battle experience!”
Karina: “Yeah, yeah, just don’t break your hip, old man.”
Introduction 2:
Joseph: “The enemy is incoming!”
Karina: “Good, it was getting boring here.”
Startup 1:
Joseph: “Go, Karina!”
Karina: “Understood!”
Startup 2:
Karina: “My turn to shine!”
Joseph: “Go ahead!”

Avdol and Karina
Introduction 1:
Avdol: “Karina, please, don’t push yourself.”
Karina: “You don’t have to worry about me!”
Introduction 2:
Avdol: “This is dangerous, be careful.”
Karina: “I’m always careful, you know!”
Startup 1:
Avdol: “Here I come!”
Karina: “I got your back!”
Startup 2:
Karina: “Let me do this!”
Avdol: “I’m right behind you!”

Polnareff and Karina
Introduction 1:
Karina: “Would you join me in this dance, Polnareff?”
Polnareff: “Of course, I’m sure this is going to be fun!”
Introduction 2:
Karina: “Don’t mess everything up this time, Polnareff!”
Polnareff: “You're one to talk!”
Startup 1:
Polnareff: “I’ve got this!”
Karina: “Heh.”
Startup 2:
Karina: “Let’s do this!”
Polnareff: “Yeah!”

Esther and Karina
Introduction 1:
Esther: “Let's do this, Señora Zeppeli.”
Karina: “It's Señorita Zeppeli! Señorita!”
Introduction 2:
Esther: “Are you ready, Karina?”
Karina: “I hope I won't hurt my pretty little hands when I punch these idiots!”
Startup 1:
Esther: “Let's punch 'em into next week!”
Karina: “Leave it to me, Essie!”
Startup 2:
Karina: “It's my turn!”
Esther: “Show them who's boss, Karina!”

Kakyoin and Karina
Introduction 1:
Karina: “So baad, we will have to postpone our English classes of today.”
Kakyoin: “It seems like it.”
Introduction 2:
Karina: “I’m totally fired up for this fight!”
Kakyoin: “Don’t do anything rush! The most important thing is to survive.”
Startup 1:
Kakyoin: “Here I come.”
Karina: “I follow you!”
Startup 2:
Karina: “Give me a hand!”
Kakyoin: “Of course!”

Jotaro and Karina
Introduction 1:
Karina: “I hope your technique is not as awful as your attitude!”
Jotaro: “I don’t want to hear that from you, precisely.”
Introduction 2:
Karina: “Today is going to rain some punches!”
Jotaro: “Give me a break.”
Startup 1:
Jotaro: “Let’s go.”
Karina: “Okay!”
Startup 2:
Karina: “Punch time!”
Jotaro: “Hmph.”

Caesar (Battle Tendency) and Karina
Introduction 1:
Caesar: "Watch your breathing!"
Karina: "Don’t worry about my breathing, worry about your own!”
Introduction 2:
Caesar: "Step aside! This isn’t your fight!”
Karina: "If I’m here then it’s my fight, blondie!”
Startup 1:
Caesar: "Are you ready?”
Karina: "Don’t need to say it twice!”
Startup 2:
Karina: "Let’s go! Now!"
Caesar: "I’ve got this!”

Rosa (Stone Ocean) and Karina
Introduction 1:
Rosa: “I never thought I could see you fight.”
Karina: “You can learn from the best, just look!”
Introduction 2:
Rosa: “I’m very glad to fight alongside you, mother.”
Karina: “I’m very glad too… What did you just call me?!”
Startup 1:
Rosa: “Leave this to me!”
Karina: “Okay!”
Startup 2:
Karina: “After me!”
Rosa: “Be careful!”



Mohammed Avdol

Karina, since the first sight, thought that he was a very attractive man and after knowing him better she ended up falling in love with him. Karina found him not only attractive, but very intelligent and serene, a really reliable person. Avdol, since he is used to his friend Joseph, was the one who first know her actual caring and warm self under her noisy and bubbly shield. When Avdol was injured by Hol Horse, Karina stayed with him for taking care of him making sure he recovered as soon as possible. When she was alone with him, she started crying saying how sad she was cos she thought she just lost the person she loves and how glad she was that he was still alive. He wasn’t asleep so he heard her confession. She was very embarrassed and told him to just forget everything, but he kissed her saying that he feels the same. During the few days they were there, they even ended up sleeping together, something that even if they didn’t regret, felt bad due to the situation they were in at that moment. When he was feeling better, they parted. When they reunited with Avdol in the island weeks after that, she just glomped him, and during the trip on the submarine they were very close to each other, something that the rest started to find out. Also, while escaping from High Priestess, they both were diving holding hands since Karina was the only one who couldn’t communicate with the others via stand and he was worried. During the fight against N'Doul, Karina ended up injured in her shoulder when she ran towards Avdol when he was attacked. Later, after finding out she was pregnant, she decided to return home for her baby’s safety, and told Avdol that she wanted to have at least three little adorable and chubby kids, so she will be waiting for that. When Karina knew about Avdol’s death she was so devastated. She tried to be strong for her baby, the only thing that tied her to Avdol, but bottling up everything just ended up with her being in a very awful mental condition that turned out in a postpartum depression when her daughter was born. She felt very guilty about that, and felt like she failed Avdol besides failing as a mother. Since then she promised herself that she would do her best as a mother, and that she would protect her daughter with her life since she was the only one she had. Being a single mother wasn’t easy, and she missed him every day. She would never remarry, even if sometimes Rosa joked about her friendship with Tonio, because she knows that she couldn’t never love anyone as much as she loved Avdol.

In the nobody dies AU, Avdol lost his both forearms during his fight against Vanilla Ice. After the battle against DIO, Karina and Caesar visited the crusaders in the hospital. Karina visited them every day, and most of the time she just laid down with Avdol in his bed and sometimes even fell asleep in him. Caesar always apologized for her behavior, although Avdol didn’t mind actually. He just wanted his new prosthetic arms for hugging her back. Also, at first, since Avdol knew Caesar since time ago and he respected him as much as he respected Joseph, he was a bit uneasy about being affectionate with Karina in front of him. Also, Karina couldn’t stand how respectful Avdol was with that bastard. Avdol tried, like Joseph, to help to improve the relationship between them, but she didn’t listen, not even to him. So when, their relationship actually improved, Avdol just says to her that he had already told her that he was a good man. In summer of that same year, they both got married. During their wedding, she was very nervous. After all, she was going to see her parents again after a lot of months, and now she was very pregnant and getting married. At the end, everything goes well. Mina really liked Avdol, and Juan was very emotional about his baby getting married also he was worried himself about meeting his wife’s father, something that made Karina laugh so much. A few weeks later, Karina had Rosa, and years later they have two more children: Nassif and Anthonio. When their babies started to manifest their stands, Avdol did his best to try to teach them how to control them. Also, he scolds them every time that they use them for trivial things or when they try to use them to tease their mother. Years later, they moved to Asturias where Karina’s parents lived.

Rosa Torroja Zeppeli

Karina’s daughter is the most precious being for her. She still felt guilty for the few months she couldn’t take properly care of her due to her depression, so sometimes she spoils her a little bit. Anyways, Rosa is a very mature child, and she likes to show her mother that every time she can because she doesn’t like her to worry so much. Even when she discovers her stand, Karma Chameleon, she tries to use it to help in home, but seeing things flying only caused Karina to worry more, since she knows how dangerous stands can be. That’s why, the first thing she did was going to Morioh to find Esther, Jotaro, and Joseph, who could help her with her daughter’s stand. When Rosa is little, she doesn’t understand so much why her mother is this overprotective with her, although she knows how sad she’s because Avdol isn’t there with them, but with years she would understand everything that happened years ago, and so, her goal become to protect her mother, and all the people she considers her family, even if that means being in risky situations, something that Karina doesn’t like and blames the SPW foundation to encourage her daughter to that.

In the nobody dies AU, Karina didn’t have a postpartum depression after having Rosa, but she had some complications during delivery. Although being with Avdol was everything she needed. Rosa would ask her father for help about her stand because she didn’t want to worry her mother, and even lectures her brothers when they’re using theirs for something unnecessary.

Mina Zeppeli

Karina’s mother is a very warm and loving person who always tries her best to help and encourage her daughter. Although sometimes can seem that she’s in her own world where damage doesn’t exist. She wants the best for her daughter but also wants her to be free, so that’s why she didn’t actually say anything about the sudden decision of her daughter of traveling the world. Although, when Karina returned, pregnant and alone and without even an explanation, she felt kind of disappointed. That didn’t stop her to do everything she could for both Karina and Rosa. Also, she looked after Rosa during her first months of life when Karina was having a rough time.

In the nobody dies AU, she met Caesar in Karina’s and Avdol’s wedding. Even if it was obvious that growing up without a father was very hard for her, especially seeing her mother having bad times, she didn’t hold a grudge against him. Actually, she was very happy to finally met her father and also grateful that he was looking after Karina for her.

Juan Torroja López

Karina’s father is one of this people that you can’t know what they’re thinking because they kept the same facial expression. He can seem very thought and strict, but he’s actually very kind and sweet. And Karina knows that and really appreciates his little acts of affection. When she returned after her trip, like Mina, Juan also had mixed feelings. Since Rosa was born he totally adored her, but his relationship with Karina wasn’t the same anymore, although he still loves her.

In the nobody dies AU, he felt kind of uneasy with the news about Karina’s wedding because she was still ‘his baby’, but after knowing Avdol he felt relieved because he was a good guy. Also Juan has another reason to feel uneasy: his wife’s father. Years later, when Karina, Avdol and their children went to Asturias to live, they did it in a little house that Juan himself built for them.

Rafaella Marinelli

Karina’s grandmother was a very important person in her life. Karina not only loved her, but she admired her for all the things she had to endure being a single mother. She was a very strong and loving woman whose main goal in life was her daughter, and her future family, to be happy without having to go through suffering. When Mina had Karina, she was very happy to have a little granddaughter, she totally doted her. She spent the most with her while her parents were working in the farm, and that’s why they were very close even if Rafaella didn’t know Spanish. Karina didn’t mind that her grandmother only spoke Italian since words weren’t actually necessary, they could just communicate with only glances. Also, she was the only Karina came to when she needed comfort when other children bullied her. When Rafaella died because of an illness, Karina was really devastated. Since she knows that Rafaella always wanted her to have a career for the future, as she insisted in the past to Mina, Karina decided to actually enter an university.

Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli

Karina didn’t know him, so she only knows the stories that her mother told her, that at the same time, Messina told her. Even that, she’s proud of being the granddaughter of an important hamon warrior like that. And the photo that Messina gave Mina when she was younger, that Mina gave it to Karina when she was 12, became her most precious possession, because it featured her grandfather, besides Joseph, Lisa Lisa, Loggings, and Messina.

In the nobody dies AU, she really got angry when Joseph told her when they met in Singapore, that he’s actually alive. Joseph told her that he didn’t fake his death, things happened that way since he got in coma after his battle with Wammu, and that he didn’t even know that he had a daughter, but still she couldn’t help but feel betrayed. When she met him, the first thing she did was kicking his face and insulting him, and their relationship continued being like this for at least a month and a half. Karina was angry because that man wasn’t in her grandmother’s and mother’s life and they suffered because of that, while he was living a perfect life, and he even adopted a daughter! She even said at some point that she wished he would be actually dead as he was supposed to be. Thankfully, after a time, they could actually get along, and even have a warm relationship. Caesar became one of her most important supports in life even if she wouldn’t admit it. Also, Caesar stopped his Hamon training because, he already felt bad for looking that young compared to Suzi and Joseph, but he would feel even worse if there were a day in which he would look younger than his granddaughter or his greatgrandchildren.


Joseph Joestar

Karina knew about Joseph Joestar because of the stories her mother told her about her grandfather, and also, because of the photo of them she had. When she was in Singapure and heart the surname Joestar she couldn’t believe at first, since she thought that he wouldn’t look that old if he was a hamon user, but she approached him and the rest anyways. At first, they thought that she was an enemy but after making sure that she couldn’t see stand, even it seemed that she didn’t even know what stands are, they listened to her. Then, Karina cleaned the make-up that was hiding her birthmarks and Joseph immediately recognized them. At the hotel, they had a little misunderstood. She wanted to talk with Joseph about her grandfather but he wasn't there since he and Avdol went to check on Polnareff who was being attacked by an enemy, so she just took a shower when she got tired of waiting. When Joseph entered the room, he found her with just a towel and started screaming. When Avdol entered the room, he found them in a weird position because they started fighting when trying to calm the other. After that incident, Karina would joke about Joseph being a pervert in front of everyone. Also, Karina usually reminded him how old he looks for stopping with his hamon training. They are always joking with each other actually due to their similar personalities, although Joseph is also very protective with her because he thinks he owes Caesar at least that. At the same time, Karina is protective with him too, and got very worried when the incident with The Lovers happened. When they reunited in Morioh, she stated that even if all the cheating issue was very disappointing, she couldn’t get angry at him since he aged ‘so cutely’.

In the nobody dies AU, the reason why he was so protective with her was different: because he knew that if something happened to her, Caesar would kill him. Also, when she was going to went home after knowing about her pregnancy, he could manage a meeting between her and Caesar, although he didn’t tell Caesar who was going to meet. Joseph was the one who worst dealed with the whole grandfather-granddaughter issue, because he couldn’t stand how badly sometimes Karina treated Caesar, so when finally the two stubborn Zeppelis improved their relationship was very happy for both of them. Joseph came to love her as his own granddaughter, and even organized, with Billie’s and Suzi’s help, her wedding with Avdol.

Esther Tyler (sunnymimis's OC)

When Karina met Esther, she was very nervous because she hasn’t had a friend before, so she tried to start a girly conversation with her and ended up asking about her bra size in front of everyone. After this weird and awkward start, they actually ended up getting along well, becoming close friends, although sometimes her carefree attitude would puzzle Esther a bit. During the trip, they shared room in hotels quite often, and since Esther stayed up late, Karina’d use the Koala technique for bothering and trying to persuade her to go to bed. Also, Esther was one of the first that would notice that Karina and Avdol were more than friends, although she didn’t say anything about that matter to anyone. When they reunited years after the crusade in Egypt, they both felt awkward around each other, because Esther felt guilty about Avdol’s death and Karina felt bad that Esther couldn’t have children when she can and didn’t even consider herself as a good mother. After talking about that, they got along as well as before. Also, Karina entrusted her Rosa, since she can’t see stands and was worried about her daughter wellbeing.

In the nobody dies AU, she is the bridesmaid at Avdol and Karina’s wedding. At the wedding, she was the one who realized how Karina was hiding how tired she was due to her pregnancy, so she took her to her room to rest a bit.

Noriaki Kakyoin

Karina and Kakyoin, or Nori as she calls him, actually got along well almost right away. Karina loves how smart him is, and really enjoys listen to him, while Kakyoin really loves her enthusing and cheerful attitude. Also, he knows that she can be serious when the situation requires it. Usually, Karina even asks him when she has some trouble with English, since both of them don’t have it as first language and it would be kind of embarrassing asking Joseph or Esther who are native English speakers. Also they sometimes team for teasing Polnareff since both of them find this kind of funny. During the fight against Death 13, since it was in a dream, Karina could see for first time stands and said that Hierophant Green was the prettiest; sadly she wouldn’t remember any of that when they woke up. When they got hospitalized after the fight against N’Doul, Karina tried her best to be a support for him since she was very worry about him and his sight. Also, Kakyoin was the first one to know that she was pregnant, and actually he didn’t get shocked about the news because he had already figured it out that something more was between her and Avdol.

In the nobody dies AU, they get along even better after the events in Egypt, with regular phone calls, especially after Kakyoin and Hana get together.

Jean Pierre Polnareff

They didn’t have the best first meeting ever since Karina basically stated that a Spanish person and a French person will never be friends. Little by little both of them learn the good qualities of the other, and also learn to trust each other, although they still argued from time to time but mostly mutually teasing than real arguments, basically like siblings would argue. Sometimes Esther had to stop them and lecture them. Polnareff was the only one who actually got shocked about the news of Karina’s pregnancy because he was totally oblivious. When he returned home after the fight against DIO in Egypt, the first thing he did was calling Karina with the news about Avdol’s death, because he felt guilty about it. And that’s was actually the last time he talk to each other, since both of them felt very guilty, one for letting Avdol die and the other for not helping her friends and runaway, until Esther was find and everyone reunited again.

In the nobody dies AU, he is the best man at Avdol and Karina’s wedding. Also, he was the one who cried the most at it, besides Karina’s father.

Jotaro Kujo

Karina and him didn’t have a very good relationship at first since Jotaro just thought about her as a noisy b!tch. Joseph and Esther would scold him for calling her that, and even Karina trid once to scare him with a little of Hamon, but Star Platinum was faster than her. Still, they both knew about the strengths of the other and respect that. Also, she started to respect him more after the events with The Lovers, when she saw that he actually cares about his family. When she reunited with him and the rest in Morioh, their relationship was way better due to their both characters softened a bit.

In the nobody dies AU, when Kari knew about Joseph and Caesar, she couldn’t help but say that what a pain was that this rude brat was somehow now her annoying half-cousin. Still, she was happy when that meant that one of her best friends would become in laws with her.

Tomoko Higashikata

Since Rosa started hanging out with Josuke and Okuyasu more often, Karina usually had to pick her in Josuke’s house. That’s how she met Tomoko and they become friends. The both of them usually hang out together.

Tonio Trussardi

One of the first people and actual friend who Karina met in Morioh was Tonio. She went to his restaurant because she loves Italian food so much, and when she knew him she totally found in him a new friend. She would go to Tonio’s restaurant very often, for both seeing him and eating his food, which helped her a lot with her back pains.

Seiichi Yamamoto (HitanTenshi 's OC)

Karina met Seiichi in Morioh and she was so happy to finally met another Hamon user in between all the other Stand users of there. They enjoy talking about Hamon stuff as well as reading and researching. Also, Seiichi usually have to lecture Rohan when he calls Karina some insults as 'old hag'.

Hana Matsuyama (KumaKakes 's OC)

Karina met Hana when Kakyoin, Avdol, and her were hospitalized after the fight against N’Doul. The first time she saw her was when she was regaining consciousness, and the first thing she thought was that she was dead and was seeing an angel. She stayed there as much as Kakyoin, so she could knew her a little more, and Hana was the first person who knew about her pregnancy besides Kakyoin.

Karina and Hana became even more close with time, and as Karina said to her, she was happy to finally have a friend who can’t see stands either. In Avdol’s and Karina’s wedding, Hana was the one who caught the bouquet. When Kakyoin and her got together, Karina was more than happy, after all both of them were good friends of her.

Josuke Higashikata, Okuyasu Nijimura, Koichi Hirose

Karina doesn’t have an actual relationship with them, besides knowing Josuke’s relativeness with the Joestars, Koichi being Esther’s disciple, and Josuke and Okuyasu being friends with her daughter Rosa, who often goes with them to have ice cream or just hangs out.


Steely Dan/The Lovers

When Karina reunited with the rest in Karachi, they find an enemy. She was very worry about Joseph’s life but since the others already went with him, she decided to stay with Jotaro and Steely Dan to watch over the former. At first, she thought that Jotaro was going to explode at any time, this is why she stayed with him, but seeing all the humiliation he suffered just for the wellbeing of his grandfather, she started to think better of him and even admire him. She tries sometimes to make the situation less humiliating for him, but Steely Dan didn’t let her, and even threatened to hit himself if she meddled. When Steely Dan knew he has been defeated, he tried to divert their attention so the Lovers could enter Karina, but it was caught by Star Platinum. When Jotaro finally got his revenge, Karina just stared at them with a grin in her face.

Arabia Fats/The Sun

During the attack of The Sun, Karina, like Joseph, didn't notice the trick of the enemy. Polnareff teased her because of that.

Mannish Boy/ Death 13

In the dream world, Karina could see for the first time stands. She was horrified about Death 13, and she stated that she was glad that she couldn’t see stands in a daily basis. After waking up, she, like the rest, didn’t remember anything about the dream.

Midler/The High Priestess

Karina was very afraid about this enemy since it seemed that we were going to die there. Avdol tried to calm her and held hand when they were diving since he was worried for both her safety and for the fact that she can’t see or communicate through stands.


During this fight, she got injured when she ran to Avdol when he was attacked by Geb.

Terunosuke Miyamoto/Enigma

That day started as many other in Morioh. Rosa went with Josuke and Okuyasu to play with them, so Karina thought that it was late and went to pick her. When she arrived to the Higashikata’s house, she met Terenosuke, who had just turned Tomoko into a paper with his stand, and did the same with her after knowing her fear sign: touching her hair.

Nobody Dies AU

Nassif Avdol

Nassif is the second child and first son of Avdol and Karina. Like it happened with Rosa, Karina had some complications during delivery, being this time without Avdol, since him and Joseph was in their way but the bad weather made difficult to drive. She still had Caesar at her side, something that she truly thanked. Nassif is a very active and cheerful kid, who especially loves to joke around. So, as soon as he started knowing how to control his stand, he used it for playing, and even pranking, being usually his mother the victim of his jokes. Rosa would try to stop him tho. But Joseph would encourage him and even teach him some tricks, when Avdol and Caesar aren’t around of course.

Anthonio Avdol

The third children of Avdol and Karina. After having Rosa and Nassif, they decided that since the first children have a Spanish and an Arabic name, he should have another one; something neutral. So this is how they decided to name him Anthonio. Karina named him after Caesar but she wouldn’t admit it even if it’s too obvious. Anthonio is a very shy and quiet kid. When he was still a baby, Nassif was so jealous, and he even started to think that her mother didn’t love him anymore because now she has Anthonio. Of course, Avdol showed him how wrong he was, and then he started to love his brother. Although, he usually prefers to be reading or just not doing anything risky as her brother, he sometimes gets dragged for Nassif during his pranks.

Billie Joestar

At first, Karina felt kind of uneasy in front of her. After all, Billie was the adopted daughter of Caesar, the one who he looked after instead of Mina. But after knowing her well, she understood that Billie was a very nice woman, and that she isn’t to blame for what Caesar did. They actually got along pretty well since their personalities are kind of similar. Althought Billie can be too optimist sometimes. Too much, even for Karina.

Suzi Q Joestar

At first, since she was angry at her grandfather having a happy life without her family, she kind of despised everyone who has to do with that happy life. At least, until she actually met them all. Karina met Suzi and Billie at the same time she met Caesar, but unlike with him, she actually get along with them. Suzi was so kind and sweet with her that she kind of reminded her to her own mother.


  • When she was a little kid she didn’t have any friends since she lived too far away from the school and because the other children teased her about her birthmarks. Actually, she got to really despise her birthmarks and as soon as she started using make-up, the first thing she did was hiding them.
  • She studied a Bachelor's Degree in Education.
  • Since she was raised in the farm of her father, she is very good with animals, so during the travel in the desert during SDC, she laughed so much at Joseph trying to ride his camel, while she immediately could do it perfectly.
  • She knows both Spanish and Italian fluently. With English she’s not as confident but she would learn more and more with time. In the nobody dies AU she even talks with Suzi and Caesar in Italian often.
  • She loves to sleep on Avdol, he’s like her pillow. Sometimes, if Avdol isn’t there, her grandfather is a good second option.
  • In canon, after the events of SDC she's diagnosed with dysthymia, and had postpartum depression after having Rosa.
  • Karina starts working as teacher when Rosa is nearly 3 years old. She is very popular in her school because she looks way younger than she is and also is tall, so the students usually refer to her as "the model". That fancy facade last only until she speaks and everybody realizes she's a big dork. Also, she even recieves love letters from some of her students.
  • Karina had a relationship before Avdol. She fell for a girl of her same University, but that girl only wanted to make fun of her and broke her heart.
  • In the Nobody Dies AU, Avdol usually goes with Joseph for work, so Caesar stays with her because she gets bored easily. One day they ended up falling asleep together on the couch, and when Avdol and Joseph arrived home, the latter couldn't help but take a photo of the two sleeping beauties.
  • In the IH AU, she met Avdol and Esther before the events of SDC due to her travels to USA for visiting her grandparents. She only knew them by sight tho, and actually got to know better later during the crusade, but she though since the first time she saw them that they both were pretty attractive.
  • About personality, Karina's MBTI type is ENFJ, the giver; her Temperament is Choleric-Sanguine; her Alignment is Lawful Good; and her Enneagram is 3w2.
  • Her theme color is purple.

Profile by Erandia
JJBA OC Version by sunnymimis