Plague's Comments

Anyone on Nymwadd catch your eye? If not, what are you particularly looking for?

i didnt see anyone id use, thank you though! mostly looking for USD 👾



hey i dont know how these masterlist things work is there any way to make me the owner on deviantart? 👾👾

Masterlist is dead as hell so it's probably gonna take months, but I can ping them if you like. What's ur da


and damn 😭😭🙏 thank you homie

hey!! would you consider an offer on this character by chance?? I hope i’m not imposing!! I saw on ur profile warning that u said offers are okay so long as they’re not on sonas so I hope I’m not overstepping any boundaries!!

Your good homie. Offer away all though I'm chronically inactive atm

cool cool!! is there maybe anyone in my th without the tags forever homed or nfo that interest you for them?? or maybe would you consider art, or money? :0

I didnt see anyone unforantly n.n'' nor am I interested in anything else.. Ill lyk when I ever take offers for sure on plaq

darn alright!! ty anyway :D esp for letting me know when u officially take offers!!

Our birbs could be friends! :o


Lemme just request a link :3c

they up for offers?
(there offer tags are still on if not btw!)

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can offer anything in my selling folder of em!
and 20! (dont got it rn can send within two weeks!, but can send the chars right away!)

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sorry there not for sale!

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colo and gummy are lowkey temping but I'm unsure- :OO 

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ill think on it :3

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yl what ur a cool friend. so ill do the trade--:3

colo is a dreamie of mine lowkey

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ill try to remember, my adhd brain and all!!

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i can offer this jolly and 2 animated icons! 

Could you link examples of your icons? :0

THERE IS BARELY ANY IN HERE ill be updating it soon! forgive my late responce

HUMMM I rlly like the Icon its super cute,, 

Yk Ill accept this! Just Send the character over here and inform the ML (dA name is the same as here)
For the Animated Icon, could you draw em;

it says invalid charatures!! and you want starling as well correct? 

OH SUCKS HOLD ON I forgot for a second that I have em on auth only fghjk

And yeah Starling as well!

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