Doodle's Comments

Hi! I'd like to offer art or customs for this bean!! maybe anywhere ranging from 1-3? :3 I can do Humanoids or objects
Some of my most recent art examples are:

For humanoids:

For Objects:

Hi!! I would LOVE some art from u!! Would 2 busts work? ^.^

YA!! 2 busts work perfectly! :3

feel free to dm or send whatever characters you want me to draw :D

HEHE IT'S OK!! Yea I can do those 2!! :3c

Sorry I'm taking so long!! Life has not been friendly to me and I'm stuck in NYC for a few days without my drawing tablet 😭 I swear I haven't forgotten 

AHH NWS!! I completely understand man, no rush at all 🙏🙏 take as much time as you need <3

1 Replies