Hikari Elsaria



5 years, 10 months ago


In his previous life, he was a nameless unicorn who was captured by the the royalty of this country and imprisoned. His horn was cut off to be used to make medicines and elixirs, and he was kept in chains as a curiosity. He died alone, hopeless and forgotten. Then, he was born again as the only son of the king, some two hundred years later. 

His mother was a minor noble who was brought into the palace and became the queen. However, when she learned that her husband was planning a massacre in order to provoke war with a neighboring country she began to doubt his character and fear for her child and herself, so she tried to flee in secret back to her family home. The king caught her, and had her hung as a traitor. Her child was left alive, but he was raised like a caged bird inside the palace, with no one teaching him anything and no one caring for his safety. Assassins were regular visitors and he learned to defend himself, finding his only entertainment in driving off these midnight intruders with his life in the balance. 

Now nearing his 21st birthday, there is an open invitation for suitors. If he survives that long, the king intends to marry him off for political gain. He does not currently have the appearance of a unicorn, but his ears are slightly pointed and he keeps them hidden under his hair. His memories are not yet clear from his previous life, and appear to him in dreams of increasing frequency.