$10's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

XAlex_StitchesX Global Rules


- Don't sell my designs offsite, always keep them on toyhouse even if you are not using them that much! (Unless I’ve given you direct permission to use them offsite)

- Don't sell the design for more than you paid (unless it has extra art) 

- You may trade or gift my design to others as long as the new owner has a toyhouse (or if I have given you permission directly for someone offsite)

- You may sell my designs for other types of currency as long as the new owner has a toyhouse (or if I have given you permission directly for someone offsite)

- You may use my designs for NSFW as long as ur of age 18 or older. 

- You can redesign my designs as long as they don't look too different from the original version,, if possible contact me when redesigning it! :3

- Please do not send / sell / gift / etc any of my designs to people in my blacklist.

- When owning any of my designs and they happen to be authorized. Please add me to the authorization list. This is to make sure they don’t fall into the hands of any blacklisted users of mine.


If you want to see more adopts I've made look in my UFO folder