


9 years, 6 months ago


Lamar Theroux 


Lamar Theroux
Birth Name Lamar Francois Theroux         
Date of Birth July 27, 1994 (age 21)
Place of Birth San Antonio, Texas
Race Slug Boy
Gender Male
Nickname(s) LT
Height 5'7''
Eye Color Black
Hair Color Bald
Occupation(s) Actor, Rapper

Lamar Theroux (born on July 27th, 1994) is a French-American actor. He was born in San Antonio, Texas, and has lived there since. His parents divorced when he was five, with his father moving back to France, and Lamar spent the summers during his youth with his father while he stayed with his mother in Texas during the school year. He has a younger half-brother named Jaques on his father's side of the family. He is best known for his character, Jeremy DaSilva, on Laguna, but he is also a rap artist and has been since he was 15. His youtube channel is here .

He spends a lot of his time working on his music, and he has revealed on his twitter that his first official album is in the works, but few other details are known about it so far. He is also a fan of listening to music, watching Comedy Central, and gaming. He is best friends with Kareem Nadir, a fellow star on Laguna, and is currently dating model Pyama Diserre , who has guest starred on the show as Maddy.


  • He is a leo.


  • He ships Ahbridged (Ahmed/Bridget) and Sopheremy (Jeremy/Sophia).
  • He has numerous piercings, several on his ears. He wears a lot of jewellry normally.
  • His favorite TV show is Criminal Minds, as well as documentaries.
  • Kareem has been acting since he was very young, often on-set due to his brother's early acting career.
  • He loves Indian food and mango desserts, and rarely will pass up a chance to get them.
  • He listens to ambient music, and says he doesn't have a favorite food.
  • Encouraged by fellow cast members, Kareem briefly kept a twitter, but made less than 20 tweets and quickly abandoned the project. He claims he forgot the log in.
  • Kareem and Lamar became very good friends when they both joined the show, despite not filming together often. Because the two have such good rapport, Ahmed and Jeremy became close friends on the show. Lamar insists that in real life, their roles are almost completely reversed.
  • His celebrity crush is Emma Watson.
  • Though Ahmed is very skilled at sports and cares a lot about them, Kareem hates them. He finds them difficult and not fun to play, and very boring to watch. He has also spoken out about the riots people create over them and how he sees that as a large negative against them.
  • He suffers from stage fright, though he says he has no problem working on set. Performing on stage or speaking in front of a large crowd, however, would be an issue for him.
  • Kareem does not eat beef, a trait which he carries over as Ahmed.
  • He has claimed that he dislikes his lamp and being in it, insisting its very crammed and isolating.


pre-season 8 hiatus interview with kareem nadir & teagan mcniall


  • acts on the same show as teagan which i will name eventually, i swear
  • plays a character named "jeremy da silva" who is a nerdy boy who is in the gifted class in his high school, and primarily takes ap or college prep classes. he is a snail, as opposed to lamar, who is a slug, and therefore typically wears fake-suspenders that hold up his fake shell. lamar insists there are more differences than just the shell, but the crew doesn't seem to care
  • most of jeremy's plots involve the stress of grades and the stress of not knowing how to pick up chicks. lamar insists he has not had any of these problems personally, as proven time and time again by all the hot models he dates