


4 months, 24 days ago


Female - she/her
24 - 31.10
Cemetery grounds keeper
My forest is dark and the trees are sad.

Welcome to the world of Bell, where apathy is in painful abundance. Bell currently finds herself working a soul-sucking job at a large graveyard working- well the graveyard shift. The situation that led her here would be crippling student loans branching from her failed tenure at a prestigious art college. Bell did of course, try different jobs before this- all of which would be added to her ever growing resume of failures. Bell now finds herself struggling to maintain her job due to a more than unwelcomed guest who is making it his job to make the already long nights much, much longer.

Bell's artistic abilities come in the form of paintings- to be specific, landscapes and architecture. Bell would lean towards more gothic and ominous feelings for these paintings, taking pride in telling a story through her art, adding hidden features within these paintings that would come to life through interaction with the piece.

Apathetic Gloomy Pessimistic Sarcastic Creative Playful

  • Bell finds it difficult to articulate how she feels, she's able to communicate her feelings better through art and writing.
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  • Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
    • Example of an indented dot point !
  • Mi ipsum faucibus vitae aliquet nec ullamcorper. Netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas integer eget.
  • The occult, anything gothic and gloomy
  • Reading, a special interest in cryptic horrors and romance
  • Dressing up.. sometimes - no one can know of this
  • A thing
  • A thing
  • A thing

Bell's early life consisted of her being within the foster-care system, Bell is unsure as to why she was put into the system or what happened to her parents and wasn't able to seek out the answers, she has since given up trying. Bell finally found her forever home at the age of 15, she was adopted by a lovely older couple who took care of her and have always treated her as if she was their own. Her parents paid for Bell to be able to get into college- Bell was hoping to be able to fly through college with breeze, become known for her art and have the money to be able to pay her parents back and then some, unfortunately, this did not happen.

College was difficult, Bell found it impossible to keep up with the workload and had trouble making friends and connections, often finding herself on the tail end of jokes and cruel pranks due to her likes and appearence. Bell would do her best, but would quickly find out it wasn't enough, as half-way through her education she would drop out, falling too far behind. At this time, Bell would move out of the college dorms and into a dinky little apartment, cutting off most contact from those she knew and would sink into a spinning depression. Bell would pick up many jobs, struggling to hold any down due to her less than desireable attitude, she would finally find herself working the night shift at a large graveyard, this job- is one she cannot stand to lose.

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Physical Notes
  • Bell stands is 5'4 tall.
  • Bell generally wears her hair up in a bun with a bat-pin, even with other hairstyles, Bell is rarely seen without her bat-pin.
  • Bell has a chubbier-fuller body type.
Absolute pain in her ass. Ruining her life. Shoo shoo.
Relationship desc.