


5 months, 4 days ago




He/She/They (He/Him preferred)

10,000+ years old

May 28th, 8000 B.C.

AMAB Androgyne (Male prefered)

Non label, preferres all

6'3ft (190cm)

267lbs (121kg)



Ex ruler of the twilight realm/prince

Twilight realm


  • Sex
  • Literature & Reading
  • Violence
  • Pole dancing
  • Experimenting on people

  • Being disrespected
  • Having his fun spoiled
  • Imps
  • Feeling weak
  • Technology

  • His tongue is laced with chemicals that can effect normal humans. He is able to change colors at will but it mostly changes with his emotions. Pink means he's happy and has lysergic acid diethylamide, purple means he's aroused and has cannabidiol, red means he's angry and has rolipram, and black means he is blood lust and has cyanide.
  • Beside his class and upbringing, Zodiak was also worship for the size of his derriere.
  • Zodiak has the power of influence as his presence makes a person desire him and even serve him.
  • Zodiak was a prodigy and has a hidden potential that he needs to tap in but can't due to his mothers curse.










  • Promiscuous
  • Charismatic
  • Charming
  • Ambitious
  • Quick-witted

  • Cunning
  • Abrasive
  • Snobby
  • Narcissistic
  • Petty

Zodiak surrounds himself with people that he can manipulate and control. He thinks highly of himself and that he should be above all others. He uses his charm and humor to sway people into serving or loving him. He cares for no one but himself and shares no sympathy to anyone as he only uses people to gain what he wants.

He is known for is quick-wittedness as he finds humor and enjoyment in a lot of things. Not taking anything serious unless it involves him. He enjoys when someone who he sees as inferior to him as fun game. As in some way would make him laugh or smile for their failures.



Zodiak had ruled over the twilight realm for centuries. Being it's ruler the realm would always be in chaos but that was to be expected. He had finally took what was his after usurping his Mother and framing his half sister for his mothers demise. However once his sister has escaped she rebeled and revealed to everyone for the deceiver he was

After being caught he would soon have been banished and sent to the mortal realm. He had made it to the year of 1901 in america. He would live among human but of course not for peace but for his own sick game. He would manipulate families and people entering their lives before ruining them.


Soon he would create somewhat of a small cult, worshipping him and becoming his followers. He had given some of them unique qualities and abilites. Branding for what was fit for them a heart-shaped with batwings were for those he slept with, heart-shaped spider legs were for those with physical strength, and lastly those with heart-shaped tentacles were for those of intellect and knowledge. Though he wasn't as powerful he still was much above a mere mortals. As the years went by he would change his fun into experimenting. As he did this he would plan to use the people he would experiment on to be his slaves.

Around the late 1990s he met a woman who he had manipulated into falling inlove with him. She would worship him and even kill her own famiy for him. He would soon experiment on her, successfully turning her into a vampire one of his first successful creation. He would then sleep with her, planning to conceive a child so he could have a powerful being to worship him as well. Once the child was born he would give the child to one of his servants to raise and take care in his absence.


Bored with life he decided to get himself arrested and sentence to life in prison after purposly getting caught sleeping with/murdering a schools principal. Upon going to prison he would take over as everyone feared him. He never was threaten someone but his mere presence would be enough to put everyone at his feet. As the years went on his human form slowly devloped into his chimera form making everyone in the prison fear him more. However this would all come to an end as the planet had a nuculear war. Zodiak of course surviving and to his surprise some of his followers that he banded in the past did too.

Zodiak would take over the wastelands but not all of it as the gods that were running wouldn't allow him to have all of it. But he didn't mind too much, he woud hope that someday he can awaken his true potential and surpass even the gods. But he would enjoy taking over the wastelands in the meantime.


Jiro Ikari Complex Lover

Jiro was Zodiak's first crush as he found him to be so daunting and powerful. He was attracted to how mighty he was whenever he fought in the gladiator arena. He would always hit on him but Jiro would ignore his advances until he gave Jiro something beneficial, which was having him believe that he would have a proper aire. In turn the two would engage in intercourse. They were very complex with one another as Jiro refused to admit he was fond of Zodiak and Zodiak would always just tease and hit on him.

Xiamara Daughter

Xiamara is the daughter of Zodiak and Margaret. She never met Zodiak but she resents him for abadoning her and using her to become his next his most powerful servent. Zodiak still sees potential but isn't to found of her rebelling against him.

Thearus Mother

Thearus is the mother of Zodiak and someone who had regret ever having him as cuz of his birth she was forced to give the next aire to Zodiak as the gods didn't see Edymis as a proper fit for their plan. She had resented the gods and her youngest child for this. She would however be later deceived by him when he got much older causing her death.

Dullanshe was the oldest of Thearus's children and Zodiak's half sister. Dullanshe was deemed unworthy to be the next ruler as she was against the politics of her family. Her brother Zodiak would frame her for their mothers murderer sending her away to a dungeon for centeries. When she finally escaped she was able to ralley and take over the empire but not only that able to reveal Zodiak's deception. She would soon become the new ruler and change the monarchy to democracy in the twilight realm.

Edymis Brother

Edymis and his half brother never got along with eacch other as Zodiak would treat him as inferior and would mock him for being unable to be the next ruler. Edymis lived on his own terms living amoung what his family considered as pesents.


  • A muir hat with a red heart buckle with, Horns, batwings and white spider legs.
  • Cat like pupils
  • Black heart-shaped nipple stickers (covering his actual heart-shaped nipples)
  • Black choker with red spikes and heart buckle.

Hair color White

Eye color Red sclera and yellow iris

Skin color Greyish pinkish skin with dark orange like veins on his body.

Body type Pear shaped