


3 months, 16 days ago


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Name Azul
Species Human/mutant/cyborg
Age About 19 years old
Pronouns They/them; any/all
Occupation Self-taught mobster


"Azul was 82 percent machine. Their human body was in a state of stress and was sensing a slight pain from Teddy's hand that was close by, but otherwise their artificial body kept their vitals running smoothly. Azul was surprisingly faultless for such a theoretically unstable combination of tech and human - one reason why Teddy had no desire to touch them. There was nothing intriguing about Azul. Teddy wasn't interested in machines, and Azul's human parts didn't offer him enough to scrutinize."


Azul's background is unknown. From an early childhood Azul's body was used for pseudoscientific and painful research to find out how much human tissue was needed to remove before Azul's healing power reached its limit. There's not much left in Azul's body to be healed anymore, but their ability seemed to resettle into their poorly structured cyborg body parts.

When they were about 14 years old, Azul was saved by Teddy Novak and his team. Azul found a new home and family in Teddy's mutant mafia, and Azul is forever grateful and loyal to Teddy Novak.

Azul is hot-headed, stubborn, impatient and has hard time trusting others, but they're not very smart and thus can be easily deceived.


Azul's skin is light brown, and their hair is bubblegum pink. They're 5'5" (165 cm) tall, and they wear clothes that cover them almost entirely - the only cybernetic parts of their body they're willing to show are their hands. Azul's robotic left hand is damaged, and the left little finger is partially missing.

Azul has piercings that match the blue glow of their bright blue eyes. Their lower eyelids glow constantly.

Fun Facts

  • Azul's first language is Spanish, and they're fluent in English.
  • Azul is Spanish and means "blue". They don't know if they've ever had an actual name.
  • They were born mutated, which means they've had a superhuman ability since birth. Artificial cybernetics have destroyed Azul's sense of identity - Azul doesn't know if they're a mutant, human or a cyborg. It's a very sensitive topic to Azul, and they tend to lose temper if their mutant identity is questioned.
  • Azul is obsessed with their boss Teddy Novak, and is very, very attached to him. Teddy saved Azul's life, but it's Teddy's gentleness and empathy that Azul especially looks up to - Teddy seems to be the only person "who really gets it".
    • Deep down Azul hopes that Teddy's body scanning and modifying ability could restore their healing ability to its normal, natural state.

Creation facts

  • Design was created in 2021, and Azul's personality started to form in 2023.
  • They're still in development~


Azul admires Teddy and would do anything for him. Anything. If Boss touched them, even for a second, it would be their dream come true. But Boss refuses to do so. Boss must have his reasons. Boss is a very wise man.



Teddy is very fond of his little brother Veit, and Azul thinks it's an honor Teddy assigned them as Veit's personal bodyguard. But there's something weird about Veit... And Veit seems to notice there's something weird about Azul.