
Name: Melina

Name meaning: Hebrew: “Garden or field of fruit”

Nicknames/titles: Melly | Melon | Sweetpea | Leelee | Tough Gal | Meli-Mochi.

Date of Birth: Sept. 28th (2023)

Age: Young adult

Status: Alive

Species: Dracomare

Ability: Water/Leaf

Occupation: ???

Personality: Headstrong - Boisterous - Rough and tumble - Takes challenges head on - Tomboy - Can seem bossy - Generous - soft on the inside - Sassy - Sarcastic.


Spoilers. TBA!


 Melina is a gruff dame with a penchant for rough activities! She can put up a good fight and takes any chance to accept a spar. She is a high activity Dracomare with a destructive streak! She gets restless if she has nothing to do, so is always looking for physically active activities!

 Her rough demeanor has oftentimes gotten her in trouble, though she has mellowed out in adulthood. As a cub and teen, she was difficult to manage on occasion. She had a tendency of chewing up and breaking things. She still loves to chew, but she's a lot more careful about the things that she chooses as a chew toy.

 Though she seems fearless, it is sometimes a ruse. Melina has separation anxiety and fear of the unknown. As such, she faces the unknown to conquer it and acts big and strong. As a cub, it was easy to make her facade drop, seeing as her timid nature was easy to draw out. These days, she'll get more and more aggressive and headstrong the more afraid she is. If she shows fear, you know she's overwhelmed.

 Regardless of her nickname being “Melon” by Avizandum, she actually doesn't like melons at all. Her favorite snacks are avocados, gourds, and jerky. For meals, she loves cowleks, hogs, and sharks.

 Avi calls her “Meli-Mochi” as a tease for her soft heart. He knows that she's soft inside and has a timid side. It sometimes appears to annoy her, but she just teases him back.

 As gruff as she is, she is known by many to be a highly beautiful Dracomare! She can work the charm if she really tries. She has a suspecting admirer in Avizandum, who finds her sass and attitude to be cute. She secretly admires him, too; but she's too proud to say so.

 Melina's design was one of three designs that won my design contest back in 2023! She and her father were designed by JumpyL123!