


5 months, 5 days ago



The Court Sculptor Who Married A Prince


𝓦hen Temius was young he had but one dream: to be a champion Sun Dancer taken in to the Empress's harem. Only the top 9 would be accepted each year; Temius placed fourteenth. While heartbroken, nothing keeps Temius down for long, and he soon began looking at the other arts to see if there might be one that could be his calling. In his search, an old memory surfaced of a blessing he received as a child from the Pomeli Hadulit. He had been enjoined then to make a tribute to this God of Flowers. Temius began looking for a suitable art to capture the deity's beauty and began making studies in clay. He gained a place at one of the Sun Court's academy's for artistic youth, and his final project was a statue of Hadulit. It was deemed good enough to earn him a position as court sculptor for the Empress.

In this position, he was assigned a modest household (at first it was only Septer, an ex-Sun Dancer and now his faithful butler; later others would join him at Damere Estate) and he spent several years finding patrons among the Sun Court, courting love interests, and fulfilling his obligation as court sculptor. By the time his favourite brother was released from reclamation, Temius had been through failure, heartbreak, and success. He had been chosen as a sire for Vailo, one of the court princesses. Although Temius' preferences leaned towards AMAB, he did his duty. His fate was sealed; for here he garnered the attention of one of the princes, Morothyn. While Temius was unsure at first, Morothyn's love was steady and true. They soon were wed, and the prince helped Temius establish at Damere an artistic school for underprivileged youth.

As an Iso, Temius has always had a knack for excelling at whatever he puts his mind to. On the outside, he makes it look easy, even if inside he's an anxious ball of nerves. While he can get emotional, he bounces back quickly and his default state is chipper and supportive. Generous by nature, Temius has always made an effort to share his privilege with those who were born with less.


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