Azmodeuz Tabitha Amdusias



5 years, 9 months ago


Azmodeuz(or Azmo for short) is a sparkledemon from hell.  They work with Cupid to help take down the various villains in the afterlife.  They tend to be blunt and impulsive, to the point that they sometimes come off as rude, but they're trying their best.  Azmo doesn't always trust easy, and considers Cupid as one of their only friends.

Azmodeuz is agender, and only uses they/them pronouns.

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  • Azmodeuz does have a more 'human' form, but they only mostly use this for periods of time where they want to wear clothes or operate items that would require it(usually operating things like video game controllers and similar)
  • Their impulsive nature combined with their demonic immortality leads to them often consuming things that would otherwise be lethal, purely because it looks like it'd taste good(Fabuloso cleaner seems to be a frequent choice for them).  Doing so does not hurt them, though they sometimes forget to not do so in public spaces.
  • The wings on Azmodeuz's back can be a much larger size to allow for actual flight, but they tend to keep them small so they're a little more out of the way.
  • They have retractable teeth. these teeth are very sharp
  • The cyan markings on their body can be made glittery, think like those glitter graphics from the mid/late-2000's
  • Unlike Cupid, Azmodeuz's blood can be used as a minor cure-all for afterlife residents, however, it's dangerous for mortals to consume or even touch.
  • They can change the colour of their eyes, freckles, eyebrows, and hair/tail tuft.  They tend to like to have as many colours in their hair as possible, and usually has a minimum of 3 colours at a time
  • They are not a horse.
  • No one really knows where their middle name, Tabitha, comes from.  Azmo claims its something that came to them in a vivid dream.