


5 years, 11 months ago


|| Basic Information ||

Name: Tallstream

Name History:
Tallkit, Tallpaw
Gender: Gender ♀

Current Clan: Shadow Clan

Ex-Clan: Wind Clan

Age: 24 moons old

Rank: Medicine Cat

Ex-Rank's: Kit, Apprentice, 

|| Physical Information ||

Book Description: A muscular brown colorpoint cat with short fur and a broad head

Fur Length: Smooth coat

Pelt Texture: Soft and tight

Breed: Unknown

Eye Color: One blue and green eye

Pawpad Colors: Pink with darker pink spots

Weight: semi fat

Height: Tall like her name sake

|| Sexuality Information ||

Orientation: Bisexual

Activity: Virgin

Turn On(s):

  1. ✔  Adventurous and out-going
  2. ✔ Curious and affectionate
  3. ✔ Protective and loving

Turn Off(s):

  1. ✘ Aggressive if provoked 
  2. ✘ Judgemental towards tratiors
  3. ✘ Doesn't believe in Starclan

|| Family ||


| Father's Side || 
Father || Hawkgaze || A brown tabby tom with one piercing green and blue eyes. || Male || Alive; currently locationed in Riverclan's Warrior's Den. Location; Riverclan ||

Paternal Grandmother || Rowenfeather || A golden tabby she-cat with piercing amber eyes. || Female || Deceased; Died from throat being sliced opened by a Thunderclan Warrior's named: Speckledstar. Location; The Dark Forest. ||

Paternal Grandfather || Hawkfeather || A ginger and dark ginger tom with white underneath and amber eyes. || Male || Deceased; Died from throat being sliced opened by three Thunderclan Warrior's named: Bramblestar, Birchtail and Marshfall. Location; Starclan ||

| Mother's Side || 
Mother || Shadowfern || A black she-cat with a white muzzle, tail tip with piercing amber eyes. || Female || Alive; Currently located; Riverclan's Warrior's Den. Location; Riverclan. ||

Maternal Grandmother || Tigerlily || A black she-cat with amber eye's. || Female || Deceased; Died from a adder's bite. Location; Starclan. ||

Maternal Grandfather || Unknown || A piercing white tom with dark grey stripes and dark grey tipped ears with piercing blue eye's || Male || Deceased; cause of death is unknown. || 

| Siblings |

Clearwing || A soft white she-cat with black paws and tail with speckled black spots on her muzzle and piercing blue eyes || Female || Alive; Current located; Shadowclan's Warrior's Den. Location; Shadowclan ||

Birchheart || A dark brown tabby tom with white paws, tail, muzzle and chest fur with amber eyes || Male || Alive; Current located; Shadowclan's Warrior's Den. Location; Shadowclan ||

Molewhisker || A dark brown tom with white paws, tail, muzzle and chest fur with green eyes || Male || Alive; Current located; Shadowclan's Warrior's Den. Location; Shadowclan ||

| Half - Siblings |

Featherwhisper || A soft grey she-cat with dark grey speckles on her back with piercing amber eyes || Female || Alive; Current located; Windclan's Nursery's Den. Location; Windclan ||

Lunakit || A muddy brown she-cat with dark brown speckles on her back with piercing amber eyes || Female || Deceased; Stillborn. Location; Starclan ||

Streamflower || A light brown ginger tom with piercing amber eyes || Tom || Alive; Current located; Windclan's Warrior's Den. Location; Windclan ||

| Nieces + Nephews |


| Mate(s) | 


| Ex - Mate(s) | 


| Kit(s) |


|| Education ||

Mentor: Sootwhisker

Apprentice (Currently): Turtlepaw

Ex-Apprentice: N/A

|| Personality ||

[ x ] Good || [ 0 ] Neutral || [ / ] Flaws

[ x ] || Trait || Courageous
[ x ] || Trait || Protective
[ x ] || Trait || Caring

[ 0 ] || Trait || Annoyed by strangers
[ 0 ] || Trait || Over-protective
[ 0 ] || Trait || Regrets not having the chance to take a mate and have kits'

[ / ] || Trait || Angered easily by nearly everyone she sees
[ / ] || Trait || Doesn't believe in Starclan
[ / ] || Trait || Care's to much and get's hurt in the end

|| Backstory ||

When Tallkit was born,

When Tallkit became known as Tallpaw,

Medicine Cat
When Tallpaw became known as Tallstream