Johnny (Bio)



3 months, 5 days ago


Name: Jonathan Crocofeller

Gender: Male

Species: Mugger Crocodile

Faction: Mortal

Birthday: January 12th

Age: 27 years

Relationship Status: Single

Disorders: None

Medical Conditions: None

Physical Description: Warm green scales and yellow-green underscales. Darker green spines running from top of head to tip of tail, getting progressively larger the farther down the tail they go. Dark green claws, but usually painted any number of needlessly bright colors. Always wearing a pair of gaudy sunglasses; never takes them off, and the glasses can appear to emote like real eyes in relation to what he is feeling. Typically wearing brightly colored, mismatched clothes. Decently tall, with build that can be described as slim and stocky at the same time if that makes sense. White teeth that stick out of his mouth in a slightly jagged, haphazard way.

Personality: Very loud and extroverted. Confident and overbearingly friendly. Kind of dense; not the sharpest tooth in the maw. So flamboyant that you may need to wear sunglasses in his presence to avoid being blinded.

Likes: Singing, almost any music, making new friends, talking to people, dancing, dressing extravagantly, grilled salmon, shrimp tempura, swimming, the beach, salty food.

Dislikes: "Sad love song" type music, the dentist, most leafy greens (not easy for a croc to chew that stuff), dry air, sweet food, sitting still, formal dress.

Hobbies: Singing, dancing, surfing, cooking

Strengths: Loyal, friendly, open-minded, talented singer, energetic, physically strong and healthy, excellent swimmer, fun to be around.

Weaknesses: Not too bright, doesn't always read the room, can sometimes come across as aggressively friendly, light sensitive, SO LOUD.

Occupation: Night club DJ

Residence: Lives in a duplex close to his job near the west coast of Maui.

Fun Facts:

- I was originally planning to make this character an adopt, but I made the mistake of imagining his theme song to be Crocodile Rock and I knew I couldn't let him go