Roman (Doggy Sona)



5 months, 10 days ago


He/it. My doggy sona!! Based on a basenji, Roman is a hellhound, albeit not a very scary or successful one because he looks like a giant puppydog. No one takes him too seriously, so he doesn't either - Hell has sort of given up on making him an effective emissary of evil, so he mostly fucks around, enjoys life, and gets a lot of tattoos.

He has two alts - the hellhound form (he can be quadrupedal in this form!) and the sparkledog alt! The latter is just a fun palette-swap.

Notes for Artists: The inverted cross tattoo next to his eye is the only tattoo that doesn't change. Other than that, you have full artistic liberty with his ink! Give him a ton, give him none, change the tattoos, whatever (as long as they're mostly blackwork). You can do the same with his piercings, as long as they're black or gold!

In NSFW contexts, he has either a dick or vulva, I'm not too precious about it. please feel free to ask which I'd prefer based on scenario!