


5 months, 3 days ago



The Giver, The Baker, The Homemaker


𝓡uunah was born with a severe case of being Huskborn. Everywhere he went calamity followed. When he began learning magic at the Temple of the Suoro Twin Gods disaster struck. The Mayadrihn determined that he was too dangerous to be left alive, but worried that simply killing him might allow his power to be reincarnated. Instead, they needed to seal him away, effectively removing his spirit from the world. Because of the delicacy of this operation, they sent their best agent: Caithnes. In the course of doing his duty, Caithnes fell in love with his young student and for the first (but not last) time he rebelled against orders and set Ruunah free. Unfortunately, most of the damage to Ruunah's soul had already been done. Now existing as little more than a shadow, untethered to Manna Weave or Huskline, Ruunah could not exist among mortals in the world. He was given home on Da'fer where he could live out the rest of his natural days. And there, took on the role of caretaker of these two eccentric Godlings.

While he grew to love his adopted family, a deep sorrow had taken root that could not be easily healed. So, when he was given the chance to move off world, received a soul transplant, and start fresh, Ruunah weighed the options and took a leap of faith. Now he splits his time between Da'fer and Gaia, training as a Child of Mythos and striving to give meaning to his life. While he had been previously chosen by the Hero Perseus, some of the Gods have taken a keen interest in this new-to-Gaia soul, wishing to claim him as their own. The Goddess Hecate has developed a soft spot for the ex-Suoro and has been petitioning for his link to Perseus to be absolved in order to call him her Child.

Ruunah is soft spoken and gentle, with an endless capacity for kindness. He's more comfortable caring for others than being in the spotlight, and his baked goods are second to none. As the Suoro would say, "If you need to talk, my ears are long enough!".


Name ???
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Age ???
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Origin ???
Height ???
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Eyes ???
Race ???
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Path ???
Occupation ???
Zodiac ???
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