Basic Info


Hiye Eo




Level-headed, caring, knows how to appreciate hard work and effort, determined and responsibly ambitious, very confident in her friend's abilities as well as her own, so her self esteem is high because she trusts herself. Enthusiastic, genuine, kind, always wants to make a good impression, go getter


July 2, 2018


The color salmon, pink, cute clothes, laughing, having fun, her friends


Being talked down to, being underestimated, and not being able to express herself, her opinions, or her ideas



A beloved and active member of her community, Hiye often volunteers to help out her neighbors and classmates with events and parties, whether that's moving supplies, or setting up a venue, or even running a booth with her friends all night long for a school festival. And speaking of school festivals, Hiye ADORES festivals. Hosted by schools, communities, shrines, etc, she loved them all, especially more unique festivals that are both fun and memorable. One of her favorite traditions involves tying a cloth to an ancient tree, and every time she visits the tree and the cloth is still there, she takes comfort in the things that do not change while many things may change around her.

Hiye loves her life and her friends and family, so a fear of her life being flipped upside-down is constantly on her mind. 


Hiye was born in a wild, rural area on the far outskirts of the nearest city. The town itself was small, and surrounded by fields of farmers' crops. One stone path led in and out of the village, edged by power lines that connected all the way back to the city. Hiye lived with her mother and father as an only child, residing in their old school ancestral home. She loved growing up there, spending summers catching insects and swimming in rivers, winters in town mingling with the locals. Being a descendent of the mighty but gentle Kirin, Hiye and her folks lived among mortals, just as their progenitors chose to do eons ago, and the Kirin always seemed to favor the countryside. 

When Hiye began going to school in the city, she became a star track athlete, and on top of being one of the best on the track and field team, she was always very down to earth and likeable, making her a popular student early in her life. When she moved onto high school, she became even more beloved by both new and old classmates alike. Hiye was carrying the track and field team in highschool, but in her sophomore year, sustained a major ankle injury training for a big event. She essentially had to drop out of track and field, and wear a cast with crutches for most of the rest of the year. It was one of the darkest times in her life, and even after her ankle healed, she didn't continue pursuing track. Kirin legs are powerful, but fragile, even though what happened was an accident, Hiye was afraid of damaging her legs further. Through high school, she was still very well liked, and found support in many of her doting classmates, and eventually she moved on from that time in her life. There are still days however that Hiye can't help but wish she could run again.