Natalya Vasilyeva



4 months, 24 days ago


  • NAME Natalya Vasilyeva
  • NICKNAME Natasha, Elhe
  • GENDER Female
  • AGE 27
  • BIRTHDAY February 4 (Aquarius)
  • HEIGHT 163 cm (173 with heels)
  • WEIGHT 62 kg
  • ALIGNMENT Neutral Evil


  • Occult books
  • Gothic jewelry and outfits
  • Plants
  • Villain characters


  • Other people
  • Getting sick
  • Black-and-white morality
  • Sloppy work

Natalya (Elhe) would rather not be approached. She wants to pursue her own interests and doesn't like other people distracting her. She doesn't hide her bad temper and doesn't care about hurting others. Most people can see that she has little to no empathy, like any narcissist. Unlike narcissists, she rarely lies and usually says exactly what she means. She upholds her own personality and tastes whenever possible, instead of conforming to the norm.

Elhe wants everyone to see her as superior to them, and she is certain that she is smart, beautiful and right at all times. If someone isn't useful to her, she usually won't care about them. If they are, she might show some level of interest in them and might even do something for them. But she won't be too nice to them. She uses her ability to look into other people's heads and take their knowledge and their weaknesses, anything that can benefit her. Sometimes, she can use it to understand people’s motivations better.

Elhe feels like she doesn’t belong in this world, which is why she can’t connect with people here and doesn’t have friends. They’re just not her people, and she would surely find friends in the right world. In this, she can relate to outsiders or those who feel different for some reasons, and allows them some respect. In addition to this, she often gets sick for various reasons and explains this as her physical vessel conflicting with the laws of this world.

Trying to connect with her original world, Elhe developed an interest in the occult. Anything magical or supernatural fascinates her, and she is usually drawn to the dark side. She feels like this is a glimpse into her real world, and she wishes to be a part of it someday. For now, she remains as FSB’s eyes into the dark. She doesn’t exactly have a choice, but she also feels grateful to Darya Dontsova and Natalia Nekrasova for saving her from the ability testing facilities. Elhe believes that being on the side that knows all secrets will show her the way to her world someday.

Illet and Elhe have the exact same ability, The Dark Chronicles, which they can use together as a Singularity. If one of them activates it, it lets her see with the eyes of another person. The person can be either one she chooses if they're in visible proximity, or the one closest to her if she can't see them, within a certain allowed distance. Additionally, this ability will reveal to the user current thoughts, feelings and wishes of a person, but can't go too far back into memories. It also can't change anything, only show it. The ability can only connect with someone close nearby, but if the connection was made, it can hold even after this person leaves and gets further away from the ability user, effectively turning them into a walking camera. If the user deactivates the ability, she can’t regain this connection and must choose a new one from the people nearby.

If both Illet and Elhe use their ability on each other, instead of letting them see with each other's eyes, it enters recursion and spirals into gaining more and more energy. Trying to look for the eyes to take, the ability will eventually jump off of the girls and extend its energy around them, bouncing off the walls and searching for every possible person, animal or insect nearby. Instead of watching with someone's eyes, Illet and Elhe will now be able to see through their ability. It gives them an idea of how many living things capable of sight are there nearby, they appear as silhouettes and are visible even through walls. All of them are now possible targets for looking closer into them. From there, the girls can choose to focus on any one of these, instead of being restricted to the closest if they can't see them. Or they can just observe the movements of all the people their ability can reach.

They will have this X-ray map as long as both abilities stay activated. However, it is difficult to sustain and control for long periods of time, especially if the girls don't zoom into one person and keep observing everyone. When not under control, the ability will try to continuously extend its reach and search for more eyes to enter. It's not what it was meant for, so this can put a strain on its users both physically and mentally before starting to get out of hand. They usually try to finish the job sooner, but they also keep training their control over this Singularity through using it and becoming more familiar with it.




Natalya and Natalia were classmates who formed a weird bond due to Natalia actually being nice to Natalya despite her abrasive personality and Natalya being honest about not liking Natalia, compared to everyone else who was too polite or enchanted to see behind her masks. They shared classes for some time before but only really started interacting with each other more after discovering that they have the same taste in books. Natalia needed a book from the library and found a note from Natalya in it, which was what gave Natalia a hint what to ask her about. They developed their abilities at around the same time. Natalia previously had a headache every time she tried to look into Natalya's thoughts, which is why she refrained from discovering more about her this way. After telling each other about their common interests and powers, they formed a mean girls club just for the two of them and kept their classmates' dark secrets in two notebooks each of them wrote in, blue for Natalia and black for Natalya. They also came up with their nicknames during that time, Illet for Natalia and Elhe for Natalya, and keep using them to this day. The girls called both their notebooks and their “magic powers” The Dark Chronicles. Illet and Elhe didn't exactly like each other in a nice fluffy way but still got attached due to both feeling different from others and alike in their loneliness. And it was better than being on their own.

Illet wasn’t entirely surprised when Elhe abruptly left school and never came back, she assumed that Elhe was just having some serious health problems. Kind of weird that she cut all contact as well but whatever. Illet was worried, but this wasn't really the nicest friend and maybe it was actually for the best. Soon after Illet started to work for the FSB, she discovered that her school friend was caught and enlisted into testing facilities for ability users against her will. She used the FSB’s influence and rescued Elhe out of there, feeling very sorry for not being there for her all this time. She was glad to see her friend after all those years but it was a terrible sight. Elhe closed up even more after this and felt like the world was against her stronger than ever. It did break her but also gave more power to her hate. Which is why she wasn't against working for the FSB as proposed by Illet and Darya Dontsova. Elhe wasn’t afraid of gruesome things they do there. She was a bully before and it only really changed for the worse.

They are still two lonely people, one very used to normal life and one living in their own world. Elhe often criticizes and manipulates Illet, always uses her people pleasing habit without a care and relies on her praise when she feels down. Most of all, she feeds on Illet's compliments, respect and love. Illet has confessed to Elhe and was allowed to love her, even knowing that Elhe doesn't feel that strongly about her and doesn't even like being called her friend. They have different worldviews and different goals. While Elhe has some weird and creepy plans for the world, Illet still has some hopes for it despite feeling different, so she's not entirely on board with hating everything. Despite this, there is some sort of attraction between them, Elhe wouldn't like for Illet to suddenly stop being around her and feels possessive of her. She likes women too and is receptive to Illet's advances. Illet feels like Elhe is the only one who knows how disgusting she really is, because Elhe can easily tell her this instead of blindly liking her like all the others. For acknowledging her true self, she is deeply enamored with Elhe, even though she often feels hurt because of not being loved by her. What Elhe gives is never enough, and she is hooked on wanting more forever. She is aware that Elhe isn’t a very good person, but seeing as she isn’t one either, this works for her too. Sometimes though, she still wonders if what they're doing is right.

They're stationed in Moscow and take on spying missions, surveillance and interrogation. If you think Illet is the good cop, you're not completely right. She will apologize for Elhe being so mean and can offer sympathy, but she can be just as ruthless and doesn't shy away from manipulation. They're equally terrible people and both evoke a sense of dread. Elhe can appear charming at times, but those who spend more time with her end up disliking her. On the other hand, Illet does her best to be likable. Those with a healthy mind know not to get too close to her either. Thankfully, because of their ability, the girls are usually together on missions. Even in the office, they're rarely seen apart from each other. They're capable of fighting but it's not their strongest point, so they're often doing paperwork when not required for their usual type of assignments. Illet is a better fighter thanks to her fencing experience and usually the one to protect Elhe, without expecting protection in return. Elhe isn’t exactly polite and dislikes talking too much, but she is pretty persuasive and can articulate well, sometimes explaining matters in great detail. For this reason, she is usually the one giving orders and instructions.