01. Coda Cypher (1. Obi-Wan & Coda)



5 years, 6 months ago


[ ship name ]

"this is a quote and it's gonna be good"
whomst are you

[ ship name ]
[ Obi-Wan x Coda ]
Status Complicated
Height Difference 4 inches
[Obi-Wan: 6'0" | 182.9cm
Coda: 5'6" | 167.6cm]

Nicknames { Obi-Wan: nickname | nickname }
{ Coda: nickname | nickname }
Children Not Applicable

[ ship name ], also known as Cobi, is the pairing between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Coda Cypher.

Contents [ ]


Obi-Wan and Coda were both younglings training to learn about the Force and to train to use it. They were pretty close friends in their youth and only became closer after becoming Padawans. Coda loved to prod and tease Obi-Wan whenever the opportunity arose. Mostly to get a smile out of him but also because it was just how they were. Always teasing one another and making playful quips. Whenever something was bugging one of them, they'd ask the other for their advice or point of view. They conducted some missions together as well and it only improved their relationship.

After they both became Jedi Knights, Coda was slightly apprehensive towards Obi-Wan. Concerned that her growing feelings for him were going to cause her problems but after tip-toeing around it with him, they found a way to be themselves again. They had shared an intimate relationship together but Coda called it off after she completed her trials. She was worried her growing attachment towards him would cause problems but she didn't want to lose him either.

During the years of the Galactic Republic's reign, the two were seen as inseparable and very cooperative. Whenever the Council needed their aid with infiltrating a base or acquiring information, they were usually seen causing some sort of trouble -- with or without Anakin Skywalker at their side. When the Republic and the Jedi Order fell, they managed to keep in contact. Although they were limited to physical interactions, being able to see each other in holograms or through the Force was enough.


"quotes are great did you know that"
whomst are you

Obi-Wan and Coda have a complicated relationship. Or so Coda likes to believe. They were close friends before being intimate with each other. Their friendship is similar to Obi-Wan's relationship with Anakin. Very upbeat, chaotic, always something going on, and there's quips always being used. They like to tease each other if they can, confide in each other when they need to, and just show that they're there for each other as well.

Growing up, Coda always had feelings for Obi-Wan. Not really noticing its effect at first but when she did, she felt very conflicted about it. It got "complicated", around the time they started having their intimate relationship. They slept together mostly to blow off steam or for whatever physical needs they had in the moment. Coda didn't have much issue with it at first, because heck, she was fooling around with someone she genuinely had feelings for. However, when she realized her growing attachment towards him, she began to withdraw a bit. Seeing him less and less and entertaining the idea of not seeing him at all -- as impossible as it sounded. Eventually, she just called off their relationship altogether, suggestion that she had a bad dream and didn't really want to see it come true. Years later, most likely before her death, Coda admitted to him why she had been acting so weird around that time. He simply said he knew what had been bothering her since then but never pried her for more information about it because the same complicated feelings perplexed him as well.

Even if Coda and Obi-Wan were being friends instead of intimate partners, they still relished their friendship. Always being there when the other needed it and so on. Neither wanting to give up on one another. Although, they did entertain the idea sometime after the Galactic Empire was ruling over the galaxy. But whether they acted on it or not, is unknown.


Obi-Wan and Coda's future is pretty much in the air at the moment. During the events after the Clone Wars, there's a high chance they could've been with one another and a child was born out of it. However, since they both knew Jedi were being hunted through the galaxy, it's unlikely.


They had one daughter, which Coda left in the care to her sister. Sif never got to know her parents -- partially because they were hunted by the Empire and because they passed away before she got the chance to meet them. Although, Sif had the unusual chance to learn about her parents through her prolific abilities with the Force. She was able to see them during the Clone Wars and learned all she needed in how to be a Jedi and wield the Force. She lives on as a memory of the Jedi and the legends her parents became even after the Clone Wars.


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Profile by Erandia
Edited by Ziodyne