


5 years, 10 months ago


"Pardon fine Wildling, know way Philoden?"

Name: Arcturus

Nicknames: Rus, Arc

Clan: Philoden

Number : P83

Background: When Arcturus was little, he and his mom wandered the world far from the Polar Wilds. When it became clear he had too much magic for her to handle, she decided to try and find her uncle Aska and get his help dealing with a strong affinity for ice magic. Unfortunately, they set sail during the season of storms, and Arcturus was swept overboard. He was rescued by captain Pendrak Clay, and was raised onboard his ship. Having been convinced that he was the last Wildling, he stayed with Captain Clay and his motley crew for 16 years. When he found out there were more Wildlings, he left the crew to try and figure out who and what he was. That's as much of his past as Arcturus is willing to discuss with most Wildlings.

He has a good handle on his temper, but has a nasty streak he's trying to deal with. Extremely experienced in combat, both magical and physical, but trying to stick to a vow of nonviolence. He is covered in scars, which he will make up various stories to entertain questioners with, but is extremely unlikely to open up about how he actually got any of them. The ribbon he ties back his hair with is the last thing he has of his mother, and the gem he wears on it belonged to Captain Clay. He wears the collar and draping as a token of his vow to not use violence against another. It's not going super well.

Personality: Bold, sarcastic and friendly. Enjoys fighting a bit too much. Hates those who revel in violence and destruction. Kind of a hypocrite on that score.