Ulysses Fettes



5 months, 10 days ago


Ulysses Fettes
Mad Science



“We medicals have a better way than that,”

Fettes is a character created for Cryptid College; a comic created by my friend Zephergoat and I, a modern college-set comedy/drama focused around parodies of classic gothic lit monsters and/or cryptids attending a college designed to teach them how to be monsters. He is based off of Fettes from Robert Louis Stevenson's The Body Snatcher, a young medical student with a tendency to be dragged into unfortunate situations who works buying cadavers for his professor.

Fettes is quite timid and unconfrontational, he has a high moral compass but struggles to stasnd up for himself and is often dragged into uncomfortable or immoral situations because of it. It takes a lot of walking over him for him to build up the courage to say something, at which point it's often too late for him to go back. In relationships he often falls back on others to lead him, and prefers verbal affirmations of affection.

One night Fettes went out to a bar near their university and ran into his classmate, crush, and cadaver collecting partner; Wolfe Macfarlane, having a night out with a stranger to Fettes, Edmund Gray. Gray invited Fetttes to sit down with them and they had a conversation over some drinks before Fettes left for the night. The next morning Macfarlane showed up to Fettes' apartment with Gray's dead body in a bag and convinced Fettes to give it to their class to dissect. Wolfe then convinced Fettes to come grave robbing with him, only for Gray's ghost to return, haunting them forever.



Fettes is a timid, easily-influenced, pushover of a man. He is very empathetic but often takes the 'follower' role, and is lead into uncomfortable situations often. He can be easily convinced to back down on any complaint or push-back he may have as he never has a great foothold on his beliefs and will back down at the slightest suggestion that he's just being paranoid. Although, everything he's done weighs on him heavily. The knowledge that many of the cadavers he bought for his old university were murder victims -and particuarly that he was an accomplice in Gray's murder- haunts him almost as much as Gray's actual ghost. He doesn't feel he has anywhere to turn with these thoughts, however, so he often bottles up any emotion he's feeling from it. He usually acts just to keep Wolfe and Gray content and prefers to keep any plights he has with their behavior to himself.
Fettes does pretty much all of the work in his relationship with Wolfe and Gray, from doing all of Wolfe's classwork to doing all the cooking, cleaning, and other housework for their apartment.

  • Being helpful :)
  • Praise/Approval
  • Spa days
  • Cooking
  • Cats
  • Horror
  • Insects/wild animals



Fettes was born to a wealthy family in Edinburgh, Scotland. He had a happy, normal childhood, the youngest of three children to a kind homemaking mother and his father; a successful professor at a high-end university. He was loved and cared for well, with all of his basic needs met, and he has fond memories of his family and childhood in Scotland; though, he was quite sheltered and with his family's more conservative ideals he often ended up feeling insecure in himself and seeking approval from others. He especially struggled as a teenager in hiding away the ever-present relization of his queerness.

Being a smart kid, Fettes applied to medical school as an adult, moving to London to attend university. By his senior year he was doing well enough in his classes that he began participating in more hands-on learning, helping his professor, Mr. K-, to teach underclassmen along with his classmate, Wolfe Macfarlane. Aside from instructing, Wolfe and Fettes were tasked foremost with the purchasing of cadavers for other students to dissect (though most were not ethically obtained...). Fettes absolutely hated graverobbing and looking past evidence of murders to purchase these cadavers, feeling completely immoral and disgusting each time he did it, but he couldn't give up the oppurtunities this school opened for him, and he enjoyed Wolfe and K's praise so much, so he went along. Doubly so given that over the course of their studies together, Fettes developed quite an attraction to Macfarlane. Wolfe would often praise or reward Fettes thoroughly after a night of graverobbing, leading to Fettes falling for him. Though, Wolfe only continued the advances because he found it easy to control Fettes this way. Unfortunately, being blinded by the excitment and emotions of his first queer 'relationship', Fettes couldn't see through Wolfe's manipulation.

One Halloween night, Fettes caught a glimpse of Macfarlane at a bar and decided to drop in and have a few drinks. There, he met Edmund Gray; Macfarlane's obnoxious date. He was a short, vuglar man who flirted with Fettes, bossed Macfarlane around, overshared, and drank like a mad man. Fettes amused him but did not much enjoy the company of Gray and left Macfarlane to him not long after arriving, oblivous to the events which would transpire soon after.

After he left, Wolfe became enraged with Gray, viewing his interactions with Fettes as Gray outing him, being humilated that Fettes saw how Gray acted with such little respect towards Wolfe. This combined with having enough with Gray's teasing, flirting with, and constantly annoying him caused Wolfe to murder Gray. Wolfe brought the body to Fettes the next morning, utterly horrifying him yet still managing to convince him to not only not report the murder, but actively pay Wolfe the money a cadaver sale would have gotten normally, as well as help the next day with dissecting the corpse in class. A few nights later when Wolfe convinced Fettes to come out graverobbing with him to collect more cadavers, the mutilated body of Gray appeared to them in a now ghostly form, traumatizing the two, and now haunting them forever.


Gray continues to haunt Wolfe and Fettes to this day. After his haunting was discovered by Crypt Creek University, the three were (forcibly) enrolled in the college. Two humans being haunted by a very outward and untrained ghost could spell a lot of danger for the monsters' world and livelyhoods. Gray was put into the university's Haunting major and, because he couldn't be seperated from Wolfe and Fettes due to the haunting, they were sent into the Mad Science classes. They cannot leave campus grounds without permission, and will only be allowed to disenroll once Gray graduates Haunting and is no longer deamed a threat to leaking monster's existence to the world.

Gray, Wolfe, and Fettes have adjusted pretty well to the college. Gray absolutely adores his haunting classes, scaring people is a LOT of fun for him. Wolfe and Fettes have been adjusting well too, they're lab partners in mad science and have been getting steadily good grades (Even though Fettes is usuaLly the one doing the majority of the work- Wolfe refuses to oftentimes, insisting that "He's already been through med school once"). They also have shared dorm on campus, a larger apartment-style one that they were granted for being forced to room together. Gray has his own grave plot to live in, but prefers to haunt the dorm, it's more fun to be with Wolfe (and startle Fettes whenever he lets his guard down ❤️ )

The three still haven't given up their life of crime, though. In fact they've gotten worse. Wolfe managed to find a way off campus without being spotted by the school's oracle, and they've been using it as a way to sneak off and rob human graves whenever possible. Fettes still hates it but now that theyre forced into this university with nothing to their names they REALLY need the money, and human corpses sell for MUCH more in the monster world, given that there corpses that aren't attached to ghosts are VERY rare, and most uses for corpses require them to be uninhabited.


"As if you hadn’t suspected it yourself!"

Wolfe... might be Fettes' boyfriend? Or he's Gray's boyfriend? Or he's neither of their boyfriends and he hates them? Fettes and Wolfe's relationship is arguably more toxic than Wolfe and Gray's, they just don't have the fun add-on of weird ghost shenanigans. When Fettes and Wolfe first met studying under K, Fettes developed a crush on Wolfe. He liked his strong confident personality and found the wolf statuette he kept on his dorm desk endearing. Wolfe ended up taking advantage of and manipulating Fettes after noticing this, and by the time Fettes realized he needed to get away from him he was already staring down the corpse of a well-known community leader, so deep in that his involvment could land him life in prison while Wolfe told him to not ask questions of their suppliers. Next thing he knew Wolfe was tossing the lifeless body of Edmund Gray down in front of him and convincing him to go out robbing graves. Now Fettes is stuck connected to Wolfe and Gray forever, even if he leaves Wolfe to deal with Gray alone he'll never be the same person he was before they met


Wolfe and Gray essentially treat Fettes like servant, Wolfe demands he does all the housework along with cleaning and cooking every meal exactly the way Wolfe wants it. Fettes is incredibly disgruntled by it, especially since Wolfe seems completely unappreciative of all of it and will drag in mud right after Fettes mopped and moan that Fettes overcooked the meat when if he cooked it any less it'd be raw. Fettes has resigned himself to satisfying all of Wolfe's needs while putting his own to the sidelines constantly. Even intamacy between them usually just ends with Wolfe rolling over and leaving Fettes to figure himself out for the night.

"I’m a pretty bad fellow myself"

Fettes' relationship to Gray is strange, he only met Gray for a night before his murder and didn't like him much, yet here he is haunted by him forever. Gray's always been quite attracted to Fettes, calling him over to drink with him and Wolfe that night at the bar. He likes how nervous and easily scared Fettes is. Their relationship is not nearly as sexual as Gray's realtionship is to Wolfe, well, at least not on Fettes' end. On Gray's end he's been riding the high of making Fettes wet himself for weeks. Doesn't mean Gray always likes him, though! Gray's not oblivous to the fact Wolfe and Fettes are attracted to each other, and this makes him VERY mad. Gray often tries to shove himself between Fettes and Wolfe if they are near each other, and has even screamed at, scared, or attempted to attack Fettes like a wild cat when he thought they might be trying to get intimate before.

Fettes does nearly all the work in this three-way relationship(?) and Gray is....NOT helping! He's not nearly as bossy to Fettes as Wolfe is but he does also treat him like a housewife. he EXPECTS Fettes to be doing everything for him and doesn't consider that he would ever not want to do that. Gray just floats around the apartment making messes and trying to posion any food Fettes makes. Also destroying Fettes' decorations so he could put his own bones and organs he dug up from the graveyard on display and purposefully flaring up Fettes' dust allergy.

  • Allergic to many many things but most frustrating are dust, pollen, and dog fur
  • Enrolled in medical school to become a pediatric surgeon specifically.
  • Spends all day trying to find the perfect present every time Wolfe or Gray's birthdays come along but something always goes wrong JUST before he's able to get it to them no matter how far ahead he plans
  • Favorite thing to bake is fresh bread :3
  • Can speak scots well, but he doesn't get to use it often because the only other person at CCU who understands it is Nessie.
  • Not actually scared of most of the monsters at CCU, Gray just gives him the heebie jeebies
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