


4 months, 19 days ago



''I will take care of you for all eternity until we fall apart, Venai.''

Bekiel is a lonely and angry person having a nice person in his life to take care of.

  • pronouns/gender: he/him (male)
  • age: 3366479 years (mental age is 18)
  • birthday: 15/12
  • sexuality: pansexual/polyamorous
  • language: Spanish/latinean (Argentinian)

- a normal bambisona, he isn't a god. but likes to annoy you with spamtracks

(NOTE: Bekiel is now polyamorous, just because a friend and I decided to ship Bekiel with his bambisona.)


The Void

The void is the lonely place where Bekiel and Venai lives, a place illuminated by stars and constellations. The creation of this place was by the integration of Bekiel and Venai souls. Venai is a God, he can make anything he wants.

Bekiel was a more savage and wild before Venai appears, he killed his own population eating them (he was a cannibal, and he wasn't was consent of anything). When he killed them all, he left the place and go find more victims. But then, he find a castle, it was abandoned for years. No one tell him who live here before, so he supposed that no one should be in the castle, and finally he enter. It was a lonely place, covered in darkness.

He up the stairs from the castle and he saw a lonely bedroom, he enter on it and he saw someone crying in the bed, so he jumped in the bed and bite the person who's was crying. The person throw a geometric shape making Bekiel falling up the bed, Bekiel screamed and was more angry than ever, but then the person locked up him with a rectangle as a transparent jail.

The years passed, and Bekiel stoped trying to kill the person, who is Venai. He stoped because he was tired and was passing a crisis inside that box. Venai set Bekiel free and told him to make a new world just with him, because Venai was so lonely for years, he was waiting for someone to create a new form of world. Venai passed the whole time talking with Bekiel, making him more normal and stable for this moment. Bekiel at the first time asked how they could make a "world" because he was interested on it, Venai just pointed the Bekiel's chest and said "don't worry, I know we could try it." Bekiel was going to ask again, but then Venai throw his soul off and grabbed Bekiel's hands.

The soul of Bekiel was starting to shine a lot, a blue shiny soul what was being grabbed by Venai with a soft sentiment.

The sky cover in absolute darkness, this scared Venai but then the darkness was killed by a lot of stars and planets what was illuminating the faces of Bekiel and Venai. The soul of Bekiel and Venai fell off from the sky in a combination as a ruby heart shaped figure.

The relation between them is shiny as his Void.


- Bekiel is a angry and annoying person, he was in a long imaginary pandemic, staying alone for fear of social rejection, he always was like that. His personality was thanks of his traumas and rejection to the society

- If you wonder to know how he sounds like, his voice is like this AadstaPinwheel's Expunged:

- Bekiel is a fruit lover, specifically for pears and watermelons

- He lives in a infinite black void where he lives with Venai

- Bekiel and Venai doesn't have an idea of what they are (in a romantic homosexual way)

- Bekiel haves swag

- One time, Bekiel choked with a pear and mostly died

- Venai is the only person who Bekiel feels calm with

- He knows some English, but he feels weird pronouncing it

- Bite a lot of things (and persons), if he bites you, it would mean that he thinks you're cool or he hates you. It depends with the person you are. His mouth appears just when he wants to eat or when he is angry

- Bekiel can make rains, specifically: moon tears, drops of stars and normal rains

- He wears an umbrella the whole time

- If he feels sad, angry or annoyed, he will scream loud or hug aggressively Venai

- If Bekiel bites you, it would produce you an horrible pain. Because his mouth is sharp like knifes

- Bekiel haves two forms: True Form (working on it), and Exasperated form. True Form isn't done. In his Exasperated form, his face breaks in two and processed to turn in a faceless black void. Exasperated form only appears in worst moments or when Bekiel is having a crisis.


- If Bekiel dies, the Void will disappear dying with Venai.
