‎Ziggy (Full Information)



4 months, 13 days ago


masterlist  “Ziggy” (someone called him that once so others say it too)

(EOD kinda stuff) Having been cursed firsthand in the desolate Umbral Realm, this angemo had witnessed true darkness firsthand, causing it to wreak havoc all over his body. Now a darkened creature, he constantly drips and seeps dark fluid. Beware, for the contagion of its inner darkness lingers in every touch, ready to taint those who come too close.

Just a little extra about his particular light magic too: Designed for defense, his mastery of light magic serves a noble purpose—to assist others. His unique abilities act as an amplifier, enhancing the control and strength of fellow angemos' light. Whether strengthening their abilities or refining control, his radiant powers aid others depending on proximity and other factors.

Other assorted things that I might cohesively write further later:

  • it’s pronounced like ts-iggy 😔
  • Yogurt consumer
  • The bandages are interchangeable, but you will never see him with them off
  • A lot of his light that he uses is to hold himself together so he isn’t dripping too much all over the place
  • Serve gal pal
  • Has good intentions but like that dawg in him keeps him evil ya know
  • Very self-conscious deep down inside