Prisoner’s Ouroboros



4 months, 2 days ago


Prisoner's Ouroburos 
"No judge, No jury, and no executioner... I've been bound and chained for simply being alive."
- Prisoner's Ouroboros

Prisoner's Ouroboros (T-01-888) is a humanoid abnormality wearing a dress and a cage over it's first head and chains around it's wrists and ankles, It's secondary snake-like head goes through the bars of it's cage and bites it's own tail. Flower-shaped growths (initially assumed to be flowers but lab tests have shown they are made of keratin.) occasionally grow out of it's flesh and fall naturally, But more often than not, subject pulls them out and adorns itself with the torn off growths. .Due to it's habit of scratching at the walls, it's cage and itself, It's nails have been worn down and bloody.Though distressing to witness, it is highly advised that employees do not stop this scratching behavior as Prisoner's Ouroboros reacts negatively to being restrained further and will most likely become exceedingly aggressive and may attempt to breach after attacking.Subject is also capable of speech and seems to mumbles to itself when left alone. When talked to it often talks of it's home which it describes as such in this conversation between it and an agent.     
P.O: "... I remember home." 
Rose: "You have a home? What's it like?"
P.O: "Pink skies, Peachy clouds... I used to run around the fields...It was nice."
Rose: "I see."
P.O: "When can I go home?"
Rose: "Uh... I don't know."

  [ Agent was advised to end their Attachment work as soon after, as subject had shown early signs of aggression. Most likely displeased at the answer it was given]

It is advised to steer clear of answering this question when asked, being truthful will likely enrage the subject and lying will as well as it is smart enough to recognized when it is lied to.

Subject Classification: T-01-888

Attack type: RedDamageTypeIcon.png RED 
Methods of it's attacks are mainly physical and utilizes its surprising strength to maul its victims and frequently eats the remains.
Subject is prone to injury and though treating it's wounds is typically unneeded due to the undying nature of abnormalities, It seems to have a positive response to this. It also often wants colorful band-aids which are often not stocked here in this facility. Grooming and bathing subject must be done with caution as to not restrain it and to avoid irritating wounds. It's preferred source of nutrients is headless animal carcasses, As apparently the face of the deceased animal upsets the subject. Subject also eats using it's snake head, The nutrient providing should be done last as subject may get food aggressive.
Risk level:Risk_He.pngHE

Subject's containment room is frequently bloody and must be cleaned often. It should also be checked if the print of a pink sky is still attached to the ceiling of the room and clear of any stains. Subject had requested potted plants in room but was denied this request due to the added risk and added upkeep due to subject's clumsiness and likelihood of breaking the pots. Subject may be provided with printed pictures of plants. Subject's favored audio tracks are documentaries, recording of birds singing and swing music. It often tries to dance and spin to the music but falls under the weight of it's caged head.

Subject is curious and fond of being talked to and asking questions about the outdoors and enjoys finger-painting. Assisting it to spin around to music also elicits a positive response. But do remind yourself that this is indeed a dangerous abnormality and not a human. Do not heed any requests or pleas for it to be let outside or questions of if it may go home. Redirect it's attention to other activities until your work is done.

Inadvisable. Attempts at Repression on subject even if successful have lead it to hold grudges if it does not immediately kill you for trying and will likely try to kill you the next time you are assigned to it afterwards. It will seek you out if it ever breaches.