
5 months, 3 days ago


an idea for a character i had!! 


An oddly intelligent mimic who settles as a chest in a dark corner of a dungeon, humans often pass by it without spotting it and it picks up on some of their odd mannerisms and words. The mimic just watches, somewhat fascinated by the humanoids. 

One day, an unfortunately weak group had been attacked by a monstrous myconid, one of their members was dying of poisoning, and they did not have any antidotes on hand. The mimic watched as they made up camp in it’s clearing, it watched the party try to heal the drow woman and eventually it watched as she passed away. The party left downcast in the morning, leaving their blessings and promising to return to resurrect her when they could

The mimic moved forward and reached out its tongue to nudge the corpse. It didnt move. The mimic seemed to pout, and attempted again to wake the corpse. It eventually gives up and studies the body’s form more closely

It shape-changes, mimicking the body’s form, clothes and all, studying its new arms and legs and feeling its face

It then takes a step in the new body and begins to walk down the hall of the dungeon alone

The monster myconid of earlier stands in the same hall it had been, the mimic walks forward and raises an arm in greeting, the myconid shoots out a puff of noxious gas which does not phase the mimic. It instead opens it’s mouth, and inside are rows and rows of razor sharp teeth and a whip-like barbed tongue, the mimic, in this warped human body lashes out its tongue and slashes the weak myconid in half

Then, the mimic walks back out of the room and further toward the entrance of the dungeon, unfortunately stepping onto a trap trigger and causing a cave-in atop its head, the mimic is hit in the head and pinned under rocks before it blacks out and fades off, blood trailing down its forehead.

Another party of slightly more seasoned adventurers come across this cave-in and dig out an unfortunate looking drow woman who seems to have a concussion. She is dazed and confused, her eyes out of focus, they try to ask her name but she doesnt seem to know how to speak, the party assume it’s a bad case of amnesia from a head injury and help her up to come along with them

The mimic does indeed suffer from bad amnesia and its vocal cords are severely damaged, it understands common, but cannot speak. Eventually that party who picked it up, brought the mimic to a clinic where it is discovered to be lacking vitals, it is then mistaken as an awakened undead that has lost its memory. The mimic is over time taught sign language and later on reintroduced to the party who dug it out of the cave-in to join them as a rogue, it moves incredibly silently for someone wearing armor (little do they or the amnesiac mimic know, but this is because the armor is not actually metal but the mimic's transformed skin lol)

The mimic felt like something was familiar about the letters mimi and so this was taken as it's name