
4 months, 28 days ago


THEME - Wonderwall by Oasis - VOICE ???

slender - little muscle | honey brown eyes
curly tail | semi-hidden scar under neck
Scent: jasmine, wood chips, freshly turned dirt

Due to her lack of ability to speak, Evie becomes overly expressive with her whole body. She leans into natural reactions such as her eyes widening, hackles raising, lips curling or even shrinking when terrified. She is unsure of her ability to get her emotions through to others especially now that her sister is not longer there to help communicate for her.

Evie is timid, hoping she does not offend, humiliate or hurt others due to the trauma of her past. She’s careful to always groom herself even without the help of the handlers at the sanctuary. She keeps her fur from appearing to molt, she bathes regularly yes somehow still smells of the Earth. Communicating with others will be somewhat new given the fact that she could only do it through a fence before. Wolves were separated from her and her sister due to her injury.

But that does not stop her from trying. Overall, Evie is kind and only wants others to be happy. She hopes that one day, someone will teach her how to hunt, how to run freely and be the wolf that she [i]mostly[/i] is. Emotion is power to the girl, but she is naive and gullible when it comes to waking up in this new world.

Due to her lack of ability to speak, Evie becomes overly expressive with her whole body. She leans into natural reactions such as her eyes widening, hackles raising, lips curling or even shrinking when terrified. She is unsure of her ability to get her emotions through to others especially now that her sister is not longer there to help communicate for her.

Evie is timid, hoping she does not offend, humiliate or hurt others due to the trauma of her past. She’s careful to always groom herself even without the help of the handlers at the sanctuary. She keeps her fur from appearing to molt, she bathes regularly yes somehow still smells of the Earth. Communicating with others will be somewhat new given the fact that she could only do it through a fence before. Wolves were separated from her and her sister due to her injury.

But that does not stop her from trying. Overall, Evie is kind and only wants others to be happy. She hopes that one day, someone will teach her how to hunt, how to run freely and be the wolf that she [i]mostly[/i] is. Emotion is power to the girl, but she is naive and gullible when it comes to waking up in this new world.

Communicating with others will be somewhat new given the fact that she could from an accidental backyard breeding project that didn’t have protective fences. Mother and father were not mated but a one-night stand resulting in Evie and her sister, Noelle, being born.

Evie couldn’t remember the accident but eventually her and her sister were surrendered to a wolf rehab rescue where her neck wound was stitched up and she was nursed back to health at just seven months old. Per Noelle, she had been attacked by another wolf dog in the hoarders yard that broke his chain.

They were under and malnourished and took several months to nurse back to health. Unfortunately, Evie was permanently mute from the accident. She could no longer talk, could no longer howl, could not longer whine when she was unsure. She was permanently silent and had to result in other means of communication.

- Will have a lot of internal dialogue.