


8 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Birth Name:

Pontifex Maximus Sebastian Pelletier



Date of Birth:

June 15th


Fox and Cat mix




71" / 5'11" / 180cm


Build of body: average body, slightly underfed and a bit lanky
Typical clothing: Hoodies and jackets, always covers up his shoulder blade area
Tattoos/Markings: He bears the mark of a kem born from breeding on his left shoulder blade. It is very scared from him trying to remove it.
Personality: Points is quite mean but also very easy to sway if it means less work for him. He tends to seem very lazy, napping often, and also quite grumpy to a majority of people. He seems to be quite apathetic, lacking interesting in reality and the people involved in it. He can be very defensive and quick to ignore or drop people completely, always fighting the fear they'll just leave him in the end. He has issues being unable to express his feelings to others or if he can refrains from doing so as he believes it'll do no use. He is quite easy to embarrass however and with constant pestering he does open up slightly. 
History: Points was a illegitimate child born between a purebred cat kemonomimi pet and a wild fox kemonomimi somewhere within France. For a very short time he was with both his parents, seeing them quite happy and enjoying the short time they knew they had together. Once the owners of his mother found out however they hunted down his father, killing him for "ruining the pure bloodline" of his mother. Shortly after points was sold as he was seen to be a disgrace to the family.
His next family was less caring towards him and their children, two sons and a daughter, often mistreated him. Eventually he snapped and attacked the eldest son, fleeing into the wild for a short time before deciding he wanted to make a new life at the age of 8.
He was able to sneak aboard a ship, learning english from the fellow passengers and crew. Arriving on the new land he cut off his tail, resulting in it not showing up when he was in his kem form, and attempted to remove his mark of a bred child (he failed at this however). He'd often lie about his age to get work and eventually got his life stable enough to relax and interact with others. However, even to this day he harbors major trust issues and will do what he can to avoid making friends as he feels people will always leave in the end.  
Occupation: Odd jobs, has a steady job in the library 


  • His favorite pastime is napping in the sun
  • He usually has very messy hair, hiding it under a beanie or hat of some sort 
  • Despite shunning human contact he does want to make friends but doesn't want to lose everything he's built just to have them
  • Occasionally his tail start to grow back in his kem form and he in most cases will just cut it again
  • He hates being called a fox