i'd love to buy number 4 !

awesome!! i'm at work, but i should be able to get them transferred over to you in 3 hours or so :] feel free to send payment to [email protected] whenever works for you and i'll get right on transferring when i'm free!

would i be able to send the money through ko-fi?

yeah!! my ko-fi is https://ko-fi.com/virtubear - feel free to send it through there!

payment sent !

fantastic! tysm, the transfer is pending now

Hi! I am literally obsessed with number 1, is it possible to do a small hold for them until Saturday? that's when I'm getting paid so I just wanna make sure that's ok!

yeah absolutely!! i'll put them on hold for you no problem 🫡 just lemme know when you're ready to pay!


Hello! So sorry for the wait, I've got the money now, so I can pay you whenever!

awesome!! so sorry for the wait on my end too, i got really sick in the interim but i'm up and at 'em today! feel free to send the money through paypal at [email protected] or ko-fi at https://ko-fi.com/virtubear and i'll transfer the character right away :]

It’s no worries!! I hope you’re feeling better soon! The money should be sent through PayPal!

tysm!! :D you're all set, i'll transfer them on over now

Oh my goooood 2 is so cute could I buy them :0c?

absolutely!! just send payment on over to [email protected] on paypal and i'll transfer them right over :]


perfect!! transfer pending :] enjoy!

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thank you!! <3 i appreciate it a lot :]

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HELP... i won't tell anyone i promise....... feel free to send it on over to [email protected] on paypal and i WILL time travel to get them to you yesterday

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OFC!!! i hope your time away is restful <3 enjoy your gaming!!

i cant help myself i had to say that these are adorable and i love the fact you have them all with different body types <3

thank you!! i love drawing different body types... it's fun AND good character design i think :]

youre welcome!!! it's a good way to make more unique characters! <3