


4 months, 21 days ago


~ ~ ~ ~
June 23
"No clue what he was talking about, my life IS entirely sunshine and rainbows!"
A Town with an Ocean View - Joe Hisaishi
Meet Pitaya, a young, optimistic, and outgoing RainWing who is somehow positive in disaster. In fact, she somehow seems to stay postive all of the time...

Pitaya lives in Possibilty with her mother. Throughout her life, she struggled to make many close friends, until a fearful IceWing princess wanders into her portion of town.
Arts & crafts
Sunny days
Full Moon Festivals
Stuffed animals/plushies
Wind chimes

Being upset
Crying in front of others
Upsetting others
Cold rain
Joyful - Extroverted - Optimistic

Pitaya is a fun-loving RainWing dragonet who seems to never run out of joyous energy. She believes the best in others, always planning to give most dragons a second chance.

She loves to help others, especially with creative projects. Pitaya is often seen helping the council dragons prepare for festivals. She enjoys taking part in these festivals too, having never missed out on one since she was a dragonet. Pitaya loves to help out her mother too, the windows of their home are bursting with plants that Marsh and Pitaya planted together.

However, Pitaya is terrified of upsetting others. She feels that by being upset, or showing any emotion that isn't positive, she will make the dragons she cares about feel bad, so she avoids these emotions like the plague. Happiness is a wonderful feeling, but bottling up all your negative emotions to feel it can lead to disastrous consequences.
Pitaya and Snowdrop have matching bracelets!
The outside of Marsh and Pitaya's house is covered in windchimes, potted plants, and clever inventions.
Pitaya can change the color of her scales, but purposefully keeps them these colors to match her name (and maybe one other reason).
Her mom made her prosthetic leg!
Her favorite fruit is actually strawberries... she's too scared to tell anyone this.
Her room is full of different (completed & uncompleted) crafts!
She loves baked goods! not the best at making them, though...
As a RainWing, Pitaya can change the color of her scales, although she usually chooses not to. However, she changes her scales in reaction to powerful emotions or in order to camoflodge.
The piercings in her frill are optional.
She can be drawn without her prosthetic, but please do not draw her another leg. She was born without it!
The friendship bracelet is also optional.
Along with that, feel free to add more bracelets/jewlery!
yeah idk what to put here um
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Marsh - Mother
Marsh is Pitaya's adoptive mother. They have a strong bond, Marsh loves her daughter more than anything and wishes the best for her. Marsh built Pitaya's prosthetic leg.

Snowdrop - Unlabeled
Pitaya, although very outgoing, had never had a deep bond with anyone before Snowdrop. Snowdrop is slowly showing Pitaya that it's okay to feel her true emotions, and Pitaya is showing Snowy how to be truely herself.

Buck - Uncle
Buck, being Marsh's brother, is an uncle to Pitaya, although he does not know about Marsh's dragonet before the events of the story. Afterwards, however, they enjoy playing music together.

Rosemary - Aunt
Alongside Buck, Rosemary is unaware of Marsh's child, however, Pitaya is overjoyed to discover that her aunt has a passionate love for art just like she does.