Pam's Comments

I love this goober what the freak BBungle

i can offer art :) 

i got icons like these:

and i can do designs: (not advertising just recent examples lol)

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I can do two icons :D ?

Yeah, I'll accept this offer! 👍🏼

Would you be fine with doing icons these two?

Yes absolutely! I will get those done as soon as I can, likely within the week :)

Alrighty! The character has been placed in the pending folder! ^^ Hi here are those icons! And I was wondering if you minded if I made an edit to the pug‘s art? I just want to make her eyes completely white (no pupils) because it matches lore of my other OC ^^

Ohhh!!! Tysm for the art!! And yeah you can edit the pug's art, I don't mind at all. I'll send you the character in a second. ^^